October 3/24


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         NYS Police....        crimetip@troopers.state.ny.us        N       Y S Liquor Authority ....       enforcement@abc.state.ny.us                 F.B.I....        http://albany.fbi.gov/                    Oswego State Univ. Police  312-5555           pubsaf@oswego.edu          


Today's Quote  October 3/24

 Women have always been the strong ones of the world. The men are always seeking from women a little pillow to put their heads down on. They are always longing for the mother who held them as infants.
Coco Chanel

City workers hanging
I counted 9 city trucks sitting at the new Cliffs Gas Station.

Nice waste of tax payer money right there.
Total joke. We need lay offs. I'll say it.

Total waste of money beyond belief.


October 3/24

Re: Houses for Sale
They are popping up because people won't be able to afford the taxes now. The assessments gone up, tax rate gone up, school taxes rate gone up and now county is talking about increasing their tax rate. Get ready, it'll be a housing market crash soon again.

Gas prices are about half the problem. Other problems are insurance rates, price of living, costs of material and labor. There are some slum lords out there, yes. Not all. Just imagine owning 5 properties and you rent to college kids. They break down doors if they get locked out. A basic hollow core door for a bedroom is almost $200. Replacing broken windows is well past $200. Security deposits don't even cover it anymore. If fuel came down and material price down, that would solve about 50% of the problems.

People are selling because they won't out and the market will crash soon.

October 3/24

City Workers
Driving around Oswego the other day. I saw 11 City Trucks and around 20 City Workers at a gas station for about an hour, cause I had to run errands, hanging out at the gas station doing JACK $HIT! Absolutely insane waste of city taxpayer money

October 3/24

Took a ride today and found the highest priced GAS was $3.13 a gallon, WE ARE BEING PRICE GOUGED IN OSWEGO !!!!!! This is in Fulton and you go to Phoenix at 264 FAST TRACK IS $2.98 WTF !!!!!

October 3/24

20 Shocking Facts About Germany - Where Women Pay For Dates - Travel Doc...
So, while America went broke, fell behind an education, technology infrastructure, and our expense defending Europe from the alleged Soviet threat, created by the third Reich, we are now broke, and this country is fabulously wealthy far ahead of us, in every facet of demographic, money, infrastructure, automobiles, bridges trains, educationabout time Europe paid for their own defense, so America can go back to educating it citizens and fixing our infrastructure get 10 years of if they have two kids it's paid for think about that


October 3/24

You are one of the 3 stooges, and this is not Vaudeville.

Mary, Surly, and Joe.

Why do the other stooges continue with the slapstick antics?

Mary, your self serving initiatives are obvious. (Do better for the community, your connections will only get you so far)

Surly, the hostility is oozing out your pores like a rotten egg. (Yoga or perhaps meditation might give you some mental clarity)

Joe, your lack of knowledge on many topics is blantantly obvious. Think for yourself. (try wearing a shirt with sleeves, you look so unprofessional)

How was Omaha Bob's cookout everyone?

Get it together! Nobody wants a comedy performance. Do your job.

October 3/24

Come on Barbie let's go party. Oh wait, that's what got you into this.

You should be ashamed of yourself. You are a misogynistic bully. Noone believes, respects, or supports you.

You need to learn to control yourself. What you think is allegiance is not. Most people only tolerate you, and others do not at all.

October 3/24

Selling off
Selling my house cause I won't be able to afford it now. Thanks Oswego and School District.

My bill last year was $1,323.44. Now my bill is $3,877.91. How will I live?!

October 3/24

School Tax
Just got my school taxes bill.

We were all told "it's not gonna go up that much"! F*ck you! Mine doubled even after fighting the city assessments. Thanks.

Last year I paid $689. This year I am paying $1433. What the f*ck!!

Thanks for electing these clowns in city and school board. Time to vote them out.

October 3/24





Today's Quote  September 26-28/24

 Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,

nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Dr. Seuss

So after the highway stupervisor is done October 1st, once again the council will hand pick his replacement with council person Waldrons son. Never mind the fact that Waldron Sr. boasts a stellar 50% attendance rate for attending boarding meetings or Stevie Wonder can see the clear conflict of interest. How about the fact that 5 of 7 elected positions have been appointed in the last 4 years. Nothing crooked going on there? Section 8 housing coming to the lot next to dollar general and that colossal waste of money for that crappy Sunk in gardens, which 20 plus residents of the senior home signed a petition saying they are 100% against this project. But the council doesn't care. Lastly how about the price of the highway Stupiervisors house? Selling for $445,000 assessed at $224,000. Could have swore around election time he was bragging online about how fair his assessment was.

September 26-28/24

Left phone on
I heard you left your phone on. Screaming, shouting and yelling about anything and everything.

All you do is LOVE hearing yourself complain about your workers, your people and nonsense.

All you do is go through our drive thru and complain.

What you should be doing is be on a diet. Instead of drinking diet coke.

Stop leaving your phone on, cause people listen. Turn off your speaker phone. Next time, watch the butt dial.

September 26-28/24

Left phone on
I heard you left your phone on. Screaming, shouting and yelling about anything and everything.

All you do is LOVE hearing yourself complain about your workers, your people and nonsense.

All you do is go through our drive thru and complain.

What you should be doing is be on a diet. Instead of drinking diet coke.

Stop leaving your phone on, cause people listen. Turn off your speaker phone. Next time, watch the butt dial.

September 26-28/24

Re: Boscos / Dunkin
Bosco and Geers is absolutely disgusting now. You are right, what happen to cleaning standards, grooming standards and health standards.

All the local riff raft go there. Nothing but SCUM. S is for Scum!! There is one thing if your truly need EBT and SNAP and all that, and than there is clear abuse of using the system.

Dunkins Donuts in Oswego is a joke. The lids do suck. The lids leak, the cups suck and the service sucks. Drive through times hahaha. I waited over 15 mins for a large black coffee. I don't go there unless I absolutely have to if I am on the road in the area.

It's not just an Oswego issue. It's a nation-wide issue. Service sucks everywhere. It's a matter of who you put in charge to run it.

September 26-28/24

To see how bad Oswegonians are GETTING RIPPED OFF,drive 10 miles to Fulton and next to Kinneys gas is $3.05 a gallon, cross the river and next to pricechopper VALERO $3.03 a gallon. We are being ripped off and the Valero in Oswego is $3.29 a gallon, WAKE UP PEOPLE.

September 26-28/24

There are alot of for sale signs popping up as ,1) Their are no good paying jobs, 2) They work out of town so might as well move and save on the ridiculous gas prices,3) Rent in this city is way out of control, minimum $1,000 for a 1 bedroom + utilities , Most are as high as $1500 a month + , THE SLUM LORDS ARE GREEDY, 4)Taxes going up as the mayor says we lost $6,000,000 , where did it go Barlow ??? City doomed to go under, keep taking pictures of the LIGHTHOUSE as thats all that will be left.


September 26-28/24





Today's Quote  September 21-25/24

 The science of today is the technology of tomorrow. Share this Quote
Edward Teller

WE have to vote out useless BRANDON WILLIAMS, as in his early commercials WERE ALL LIES, also we got to get rid of USELESS CLAUDIA TENNEY , you write her and never get an answer, they HAVE TO GO.

September 21-25/24

Owner of Dunkin Donuts
The new tops on your coffee cups suck.They are terrible-go back to the other ones.You can't leave nothing alone.You got to much shit and they can't keep anything straight.Screw up orders all the time.All you care about is how fast they can do the drive thru and the phone orders.You can care less about the counter walk ins.You as an owner of a business is terrible.

September 21-25/24

Be aware that their are employees at the meat counter getting what MEAT you want NOT WEARING GLOVES. Against the health rules, if the COUNTY HAS A HEALTH INSPECTOR ?????

September 21-25/24

The apple sausage at SCRIBA MEATS IS EXCELLENT , as is their other meats !!!!!

September 21-25/24

Port of Oswego
Bill is retiring. Holy cow, batman.
Who is the next clown?

September 21-25/24

Dunkin Donuts and Fastfood
I recommend everyone to go on a diet till after the elections.

Dunkin Donuts is a joke at Eastside and West First and Utica. Long waits. Long lines. Overpriced gouging. No thanks.

I have avoided that place since I waited over half an hour for a coffee and one donut.

McDonald's in Oswego, both west and east suck.

September 21-25/24

Oswego Mayor
The mayor with more and more city proclamations.

While all fine and dandy, overtime if we hand out so many. They mean nothing. Just like apologies.

Food for thought.


September 21-25/24




Today's Quote  September 20/24

 In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing,

the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt

Waiting and ready
We are ready. The people behind the scenes who have funneled info to you have waited over a decade some families even longer. I truly feel for everyone affected by their corruption. Bring serenity to these families. Do my family a huge favor. Do not forget bambi slayer put his no good butt at the front of the first bus as a firm example of what not to be. My child deserves truth, justice and closure. Along with many families who have suffered their wrath. Many families are hurting. It's about time they are given peace. First step, kick some damn doors in and help the children live, who have lost parents give them that closure they so deserve. They deserve it more than any one. Bambi slayer your time draws near. Remember what I promised you..I will keep that promise. Watch!!! They will show you one thing. No mercy. None. It's about time. I hope every day you get up that you live in the same fear you have brought on many. You deserve all of it. One can only pray and hope that good men have gathered to stand against all of you. I promise you these men coming have more honor then you'll ever have. Watch the shadows Bambi slayer they are here for YOU. You sparked this..you will be the key that unlocks the pain you've given to many. MANY MADE MOVES YOU DID NOT EXPECT if your men that army of goones you have standing behind you are smart. They'll distance themselves from you. Their demented posts no lives matter, speaks volumes. So your life, their lives being incarcerated will not matter to anyone, either. You deserve nothing less. If you think you've made others cry. You have seen nothing yet YOU'LL be the one crying like a baby in the end. These men fear you not. Tic toc DB sounds like they are about to rock your no good clock. Uncle Sam will not play w you or your boys. You'll see. Believe good citizens of Oz, always in good men. They are there. They are watching. They are coming. Very soon!!!. Have faith, hope and stand by each other. Fight with all you have, for every family and every child they ever tore apart. HOLD THE LINE NO MATTER HOW TIRED ANY OF YOU ARE!!

September 17-20/24

Need a beer
They are coming for you. All I can say is someone bring the cold beer after a decade of this. I need one.

September 17-20/24

Help or resign
Get off your ass Hilton and find our missing. Or resign.

September 17-20/24

This city needs to be investigated by the State for corruption, it is running unchecked. It is totaly unreal that all these Police and Firemen are getting these OUTRAGOUS pay raises and Taxes going up, and now we wait for the useless School district bills in the mail,Oswego is a Cesspool for CORRUPTION, it has to be investigated.

September 17-20/24

Grocery items:
Have you noticed how bad we as consumers are getting ripped off. Take cereal boxes are so small and costing $5 something , Angel Soft toilet paper has gone from 2 ply to one ply and your fingers go right through it . Tropicana orange juice a smaller bottle and price went up, the list goes on and on , WE ARE BEING RIPPED OFF BY THESE COMPANIES that are making BILLIONS IN PROFIT it has to stop. So true the most expensive vehicle these days is THE SHOPPING CART, unless you are on the wonderful system, and to lazy to work.

September 17-20/24

National Grid:
I watched this Jared Paventi tell us that they have to pay taxes, give me a break , they had a crew in front of my home for a month and out of the 6 or 7 there ,1 was working . This ended in March and a crew showed up in August and apoligized as they just got the notice, i lost a beautiful 30 ft. red maple and they said they would replace it, YEAH RIGHT haven"t seen a soul. We live in fear that these over 20 year nucular plants dont melt down as they have a shutdown to fix whatever at least once a month and all the power goes to NYC and the Tennessee valley authority. WTF And the power from our ownd dams in Oswego we sell to others WHAT ABOUT US ?????"?

September 17-20/24





Today's Quote  September 13-16/24


Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove, That valleys, groves, hills, and fields, Woods, or steepy mountain yields.
Christopher Marlowe

answer key #3
ICYMI (in case you missed it) we FTFY (fixed that for you). GG (good game) though.

DAE (does anyone else) see this as a CTA (call to action)? We do.

TIL (today I learned) the people of Oz (Oswego) BTS (behind the scenes)are RTG (ready to go).

The DA (district attorney) is OOO (out of office). LMGTFY (let me google that for you) Mr. Duh-martino is called the law.

WYGAM (when you get a minute) stand up, speak out, DIY (do it yourself), and don't give up. This will result in a big ROI (return on investment).

GRWM (get ready with me).

TIA (thank you in advance)

September 13-16/24

City washing sidewalks


No need to H8! EOD!

You GTFOH! one word....Karma

You BLATES DKDC. Oh well, NMP.


NVGU, the DA so SUS and needs SKL. IYKYK

WTW? We have gallons of TEA, but still BYOB. CUA

September 13-16/24

Idiot over acronyms
If you can not read or understand acronyms then you are an idiot. The United States military personnel speak in acronyms, you obviously aren't an educated or trained person of any sort. If they bug you that much its easy skip over them. Smdh stupidity at its finest. Can't please them all so you simply toss the dumb ones. Your complaining is old, it's as if you have no life and the only thing that seems to spark you is a post you obviously can't comprehend. Which honestly is hilarious.

September 13-16/24

Pathetic oswego poster
Here's a clue the person posting acronyms notice he or she says WE you are arguing with military personnel and they are correct what's coming will be the goat of corruption coming to an OZ near you. You'll see. Your arguing is past pathetic seeing as they broke it down for your minion mind to now read. Lmfao. Keep going boys. It's about time the smack down commences. Keep posting acronyms those who are involved are obviously nervous they can't seem to understand your posts. Good blind side them with a huge slap.

September 13-16/24

Abandoned truck
This truck has been sitting here on E 7th and Sychuyler for almost the whole year!!! I have called code enforcement twice and the common council member and have gotten no response or action. What the f*ck!

I understand there is a plate and it's registered, but f*cking clean it up. Move it. Do something with it!!

September 13-16/24

Plate does not mean anything. Is there a valid inspection? Is the registration current?

Omaha Bob
Mr. Omaha,

Who pays for your golf? When is the end of season cook out?

Three is the magic number. 🎩

Who's Lynn? Did she get a hole in one?

Why the overpriced purchases?

BID in accordance with procurement.

You embody Sideshow Bob.

September 13-16/24

I was reading through the posts and saw one about Eby. Is everyone aware he kicked his
Minor son , Christian , out on the street when he married Sandy. Heard it was by her command. He was taken in by a doctor who is no longer in the area. I know as I worked with the doctor. So much for Eby's love of his children

September 13-16/24

County Taxes:
I saw that ONONDAGA county is proposing a 9% TAX cut for property taxes, and they have alot more services than rural Oswego county, their is not many taxpayers left, and all these Hotels and anything NEW will come here because of the 20 year NO TAX bullshit. I would guess that 68% of Oswego county are on the SYSTEM, and alot of FRAUD, they work only under the table and draw from the system. COUNTY totaly CORRUPT !!!

September 13-16/24

Dunkin Donuts
The dunkin donuts in West 1st and Utica St is a total joke of a store. Waited in line for 33 minutes and 12 seconds, to get a black coffee and a donut. Their excuse, "we are short staffed". Inside looked like there was about 10 people waiting for their food. But there are 6 workers working and your struggling? I saw more standing around than working. Total joke! Instead of workers helping each other, they are treating it like the city "union" workers. 8 people but 1 is working!!

Never going there anytime soon.

September 13-16/24

Open Letter to Oswego City
I don't like the fact that I have to address the City on various means, ways, and platforms to get the message out there.

I don't like to relish the idea that this has to happen and that I have to say what needs to be said.

We need to start cutting back on the budget some more. To allow the police chief, fire chief, and deputies to get a raise, in total, summing over $100k is absolutely despicable and disgusting.

We are a city of 18,000 people, at best. But yet we are handing out raises like it's candy. Why is that the police chief making almost $200k a year, same with the fire chief?? What about give back to the community and cut their pay.

I say we need to cut pay. No more pay raises. Barlow gave everyone a $3 extra an hour but at what cost, raising city taxes now? This upcoming pay raise, if there is one, should be absolutely minimum. Let's NOT buy any new cars or trucks, nothing. Let's start lowering the heat and turning off lights.

The city needs to start looking into more ways of cutting costs. The city and it's council members need to start reaching out to people and ask for ways to cut costs.

T.K.J.J :-:

September 13-16/24

Wouldn't doubt it
It's probably Bambi slayer not comprehending acronyms.


September 13-16/24






Today's Quote  September 6-12/24

 Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in.
Will Rogers


You have to work in Syracuse to afford the ridiculous RENTS here. And now this clown that came to town and bought west 1st ( with the shitty OVERPRICED BAGELS), now has closed the day care centers he owns . Who the Hell does this obese thing think he is ???? Again CORRUPT OSWEGO at its best , again NICE CAR MAYOR, on our dime.

September 6-12/24

Acronym writer
I just want to say that I appreciate the acronym writer. It makes it easier and faster to read, if you know what the things mean. If you don't know what these things mean it is cause you probably don't know how to talk to younger people. They all talk this way now and this the the future.

AAA [acronyms are awesome!]

September 6-12/24

Hey here is the Oswego county cops at their best

September 6-12/24

WestSide McDonald's
Long time reader, now 2nd time poster to your site:

Westside McDonald's is a total nightmare. A good close friend of mine, someone who use to go there 3x a week for lunch, get a very simple order. Two cheeseburger meal, medium with a diet coke. Very simple order. No modifications. He was doing this for probably 10 or 15 years. Now he doesn't go there or any fast food anymore. One being the prices now. Two being the time to the food went from around 5 min to over 20 mins. Lastly being in the past 7 or so years, everything he went there. Something was always made wrong. Munski.

I don't blame him, every since he told me that about 10 years ago, I cut my intake from fast food as well. I figure I go for a quick breakfast. Sausage egg and cheese bagel, medium with a coffee. I timed it. Over 16 mins. Food was fine. But over 16 mins for something that is suppose to be "fast". What a total nightmare and joke.

I recommend to everyone here who reads, boycott, improve your health and learn from us.

Thank you!
- Phillip Hofftick

September 6-12/24

The lady that was "in support" of taxes going up, was the mayors sister-in-law.

What a joke.

September 6-12/24

Re: re: acronyms
I understand what you mean, however some of the people here might not know what your even talking about, let alone what your even trying to get across.

Short and sweet wins the game
Or K.I.S.S, keep it simple, stupid

GTFO and keep peddling your drunken nonsense elsewhere. Again, put the bottle down you drunk.

September 6-12/24

Fentanyl Crisis


September 6-12/24






Today's Quote  September 1-5/24

 What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

sick pay raises
How in the world does the city of Oswego justify $30.000 and $40.000 thousand dollar a year raises.Are you crazy that is insane.What a rip off to taxpayers.You all should be fired.

September 1-5/24


Is Duh-Martino in bed with the Wack-in-dorfs
Even Lanza would have had the 2nd shooter from the Sting Indicted before the 45 Days ran out and let her go FREE... Attempted Murderer let go scott free...
Cant believe the County is putting up with this Clown...... Moody looks pretty good now

September 1-5/24

Clown car of catastrophe

It seems as though you are attempting to assert you personal opinion into the judicial system.

Do you know the right people? Maybe.. my opinion is that...

You don't know the right people to get you out of this one. Maybe next time, you will perhaps consider controlling your self! Keep your hands to yourself!

Climb into the clown car of catastrophe with the rest of the clowns 🤡.

DiMartino, Caraccioli, Christopher, Mitchell, Brown, Nicholson, Nazerine, Seiter, etc... conduct yourselves ethically

Be careful, think for yourselves.

September 1-5/24


Public Defense
Mr Lombardi,

Thanks for all you have done. The public Defenders office is actually functioning.

Sorry to see you go.

Please pass the baton.

September 1-5/24

Stefanik Statement on Disgraceful Kamala Harris-Tim Walz Joint Interview
"It is absolutely unacceptable that the first and ONLY interview from Kamala Harris - the anointed Democrat nominee for President of the United States - is done jointly with Tim Walz. It is offensive to ALL women that Kamala has refused to sit for a solo interview when she is running to be Commander-in-chief. "


September 1-5/24


Answer key #1- Noone should be left with a FOMO. TFTI
TBT ....

WSP (what'sup) .... To the person stating they don't understand. TYSM (thank you so much) for asking. AFAIK (as far as I know) this information is well known to most.

OMG (oh my god), LOL (laughing out loud). I'm ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing)! WTM (what's the matter) you don't understand? NP (no problem) we are here help. AMA (ask me anything)

DW (don't worry) .... We are all out here on the DL (down low)

IRL (in real life) we NGL (not gonna lie)

IYKYK (if you know you know), if not oh well.

TBA (to be announced), ICYMI (in case you missed it) more corruption in the land of OZ (Oswego County). It will be the GOAT (greatest of all time)

JK (just kidding) .....I'm SMH ( shaking my head). IDK (I don't know) WTF (what the f#$k) is going on either.

IMHO (in my honest opinion) people need to inform themselves. If you refuse to learn, then DBA (don'tbother asking).

To all of those who do understand, then LFG (let's freaking go)!

TTYL (talk to you later), HMU (hit me up) if your FOMO (fear of missing out) is too much to handle. YOLO (you only live once)!!

September 1-5/24

Answer key #2- It's not nice to insult someone because of your own lack of knowledge. (Even the guy who 'never leaves the fort' understood)
YW (you're welcome)

NP (no problem) BC (because) we all need to HODL (hold on for dear life) .

HRU (how are you)? TTM (talk to me)

ION (in other news), the people of OZ (Oswego) FTW (for the win)

BYOB (bring your own beverage) everyone.

FWIW (for what it's worth), IMO (in my opinion) the DA (district attorney) needs to GYAT (get your act together), ESP (especially) ATM (at the moment). WYO (what are you on) DA (district attorney)? MBN (must be nice) to just be like....TLDR (too long didn't read).

STG (swear to god)! SMH (shaking my head)!

TFW (that feeling when), TMI (too much information) is never enough.

HMU (hit me up), we NGL (not gonna lie).

TTYL (talk to you later)

September 1-5/24

Did the former mayor get arrested for abusing his ex girlfriend?


September 1-5/24

Not that I have heard of.

If you can't understand the military acronyms lmfao I do believe I told "them" there are NOT too many bright people in OZ. If there were, they would not have gotten away with half the corruption taking place. Takes a moment to decode, took longer to write a complaint then to comprehend acronyms or to see the signs.

September 1-5/24


September 1-5/24

City of Oswego:
This city is so CORRUPT, just look at these pay raises , FOR WHAT. We have 51 or more police officers , and YOU NEVER SEE ONE, just riding around. If you call one the answer is there is nothing we can do as we didn"t see it. RAISES FOR WHAT ?? Police chief-$35,237 raise, Deputy chief - $48,453 more than the chief. Fire chief -$33,434, !st Assistant chief-$25,699 for a total of $142,823 in raises for just four people. The mayor talks about increase in GAS usage , City vehicles do alot of just riding around , we all see it, and why do we need so many Police vehicles and what do these 2 new cars do but ride around.There are not MANY TAX PAYERS AROUND ANYMORE, it seems everyone is on the system, alot brought in from Barlow. If you don"t have the right last name you are DOOMED in this city, Nice car Mayor.

September 1-5/24

Laughing out loud
You have to laugh at Mark Moody over watching the oswego county corruption wall. What is it Mark you are afraid of?? One can only imagine. One guess you are making sure no one links you to the corruption. Too late Gary Thibodeau ring a bell? Hell you worked for the DA office that's enough right there to want every case you ever touched looked over. Oh yes!! Mark your name with higher authority was also brought up and by them. So look all you want. They already know all about you. The power they have over a small town sheriff dept is bar none nothing you will be able to comprehend. Anything hidden by you, I'm certain they've already found on you. No need to watch any wall. Better yet I'd shut down every ounce of your social media and go away quietly.

September 1-5/24

Laughing out loud
You have to laugh at Mark Moody over watching the oswego county corruption wall. What is it Mark you are afraid of?? One can only imagine. One guess you are making sure no one links you to the corruption. Too late Gary Thibodeau ring a bell? Hell you worked for the DA office that's enough right there to want every case you ever touched looked over. Oh yes!! Mark your name with higher authority was also brought up and by them. So look all you want. They already know all about you. The power they have over a small town sheriff dept is bar none nothing you will be able to comprehend. Anything hidden by you, I'm certain they've already found on you. No need to watch any wall. Better yet I'd shut down every ounce of your social media and go away quietly.

September 1-5/24

OG Sticky fingers Carraccioli
Nice to have seen you showing your intelligence level Monday evening during the public forum. Since when did you become a green thumb specialist?. Don't worry about fentanyl, laced cocaine that's flooding the streets, don't worry about the gun violence, don't worry about the gang affiliated crimes please do not worry about the overdoses that transpire, just worry about marijuana, synthetic marijuana within your snub-nose "community". Every time you opened your mouth, you made Harris look intelligent. No wonder the Republican Party couldn't stand you, it's legal in nys you tard, guess what should be illegal? Letting an attempted murderer out because "the statute of limitations to hold them ran out". Good luck trying to find a needle in the haystack. Do you and the DA share the same chromosome or there lack of?. You make about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine. Go play lawyer in California.

September 1-5/24

Omaha steak
Omaha Bob Parkhurst,

Why were we all not invited to the cookout?

Steaks, Golf, and everything in between.


I want my money back.

September 1-5/24

We should learn about inner value #buddist #dalailama #podcast #bekindof..


September 1-5/24




Today's Quote  August 27-29/24

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

To the man who sent me this

August 27-29/24

Re: Acronyms
What are you even talking about? I just tried reading your post and are you having a stroke on the keyboard?? Are you ok?

August 27-29/24

What is even going on anymore with this? Are we not talking about how the city us screwing over its people again with a tax increase after a property assessment, after school tax increase, and county increase???

Help us understand something

August 27-29/24

I have said this before but nobody listens. The city of Oswego is run by thieves, liars, drunks, drug addicts and every kind of sexual pervert and pedophile you can think of and that is just the Republicans. The county Republican party is nothing but a criminal enterprise. They control everything, police, sheriffs, courts, banks, credit unions, school boards, planning and zoning and pretty much anything else you can think of. If some one comes to town wanting to open a new store or business or factory, first it is determined whether it will compete with any republican owned businesses. Then they have to deal with special fees, bribes and kickbacks. You have no idea how many opportunities have come knocking only to be turned down to protect some local yokel's interests or the people have just walked away shaking their heads. Oswego County has consistently had the lowest per capita income and highest unemployment and at the same time keeping its reputation as a sanctuary for pedophiles. That probably explains why every time there is a tax increase the local residents take it in the ass with a smile.

Back in 2007 I told people in my ward if you are over 40 years old you will not see a positive change in the City of Oswego in your lifetime. If you get the chance to leave take it.

Twenty miles to the south in Onondaga County there are all kinds of job opportunities. They will even hire people from Oswego. Before you say it cost more to live there think of this. It cost more to live there than it used to cost to live in Oswego. Now that the playing field is level what good reason is there to stay in a community that is 50 years behind the times.

The DAs around here are a joke and a laughing stock. If you want to help, get certain people in prison that need to be in prison and let go of their caseload. Drop certain people from parole and probation if they are not causing issues. Fact: it works and helps

Gang of Goons. I wouldn't say they are a gang but just people making poor choices and they are lawyers. Bad reputation and representatives for criminals. However they do have experience in law.

Acronym writer. What are you even talking about?? No one has time for gibberish or read your nonsensical writings. Go home and put the bottle down, you drunk.

Harris, Vice President to President. She will win!!

5% Tax increase and yet we are blocking stores from coming in and a weed shop. Fun fact. You can tax the weed shop pretty high. (pun intended)

Thank you, Mr. Editor. You're awesome!
T.K.J.J :-:

August 27-29/24

Oswego Taxes
Not sure how to post to here. I think through this.

I have been a long time reader of this through the years and ages, and I have never seen so much confusion in my life. The city and county is a total laughing stock of itself because there are too many people in charge calling the shots and not enough people working.

I have found this circulating Facebook and Instagram. This is what our news is now.

I couldn't agree more with the photo I have seen and able to save. 8 years of Barlow not budgeting and mishandling of government funds. I am not defending Rob or anyone. Rob is trying to correct the issue at hand, however after a total city wide assessment. School taxes now up and National Grid about to take from us. Raising City taxes is going to make my truggle even more worse.

Hope everyone can navigate through this and come out on top. I'm not sure if I can.

Thank you if this gets posted. Not sure how to do it.

 August 27-29/24

Lawless SUNY Campus
Did Oswego College abolish their police force?  I drive through the campus almost daily and have noticed that the campus cops are non-existent. You used to see them stopping cars, watching for speeders in the parking lots. Now cars are flying through campus with no fear of being stopped.  Since noticing the lack of police on campus, I started driving down the road that the campus police headquarters is on and at various times of day and night I have noticed that the lot holding all the police cars is full making me wonder if they got rid of them.  I have noticed a few sheriff's deputies passing through the campus, are they providing services to the college?

August 27-29/24

Cops with facial hair
Has anyone else noticed that our local law enforcers are looking less professional these days? I recall a time when police officers were clean shaven, wearing pressed uniforms, formal hats  and boots that shine.  The military appearance commanded respect and admiration.  Maybe this is one of the reasons that people don't respect the cops.   What  happened to the appearance of discipline and orderliness?  It seems like the state police are still towing the line of professionalism, let's hope that others do the same.

August 27-29/24

Who voted for this DA?
Gun violence in Oswego County has turned this sleepy community into an active drug infested shooting range.  The hard work of the police agencies to investigate and arrest the violent criminals means nothing when the DA's office can't manage to meet deadlines and lets the criminals walk.   If the fact that they hired back Thomas Christopher isn't telling enough, we have the former Onondaga County ADA who was released from her duties there after being charged with a DWI only to be hired by Oswego.  She worked a very short time before she was once again driving while intoxicated hitting an innocent young man in Onondaga County.  Makes one wonder who the hell is hiring these people.  I would love to see our local media do a deep dive into all this negligence and frankly incompetence.  The DA chased out experienced and hard working ADA  and thought that hiring criminals would work for him.  The office of the district attorney should be one of integrity, the staff should be held to a higher standard. How do you prosecute someone for committing crimes that you or members of your office are committing too?  

August 27-29/24

The mayors car. Must be having a midlife crisis. (There's what the property tax increase is paying for.)

August 27-29/24

Public Defense
Mr Lombardi,

Thanks for all you have done.  The public Defenders office is actually functioning.  

Sorry to see you go.

Please pass the baton.

August 27-29/24

Justice will prevail
To watch a child hurt due to the hands of corruption is the most heart wrenching feeling. I wake up every day hoping today is that day. Closure will come for these children. They will come for you DB. Because these children are worth all of it. To stop their pain, to heal, to give what they rightfully deserve justice and closure. I will not stop until you are in federal prison and this pain lifted. I think I already promised you this. To Hilton who stood by doing nothing. God forgive you. It's out of your hands now. In the right ones. You never came to fight for a single one. So they will. None of this was ever the children's job to carry. It was yours. They above all deserve what's coming.

August 27-29/24

5% Meeting
Lee Walker Jr. brought up some interesting points. Why are we taking vehicles to Fulton to get stickers done in vehicles? Why is the Police Chief, Fire Cheif and Deputies all getting a raise? Why do we have community resource officers now? Why isn't there tougher decisions made? Let's get rid of Sharpios and sell it

I will say. The "lady" who talked about being ok with taxes going up, that's the mayor's sister-in-law. What a JOKE!!!

August 27-29/24

F&F Bargains
Chris Farmer of F&F Bargains brought this person into our town. He not only is ok with her drinking and driving on our streets where she could have killed one or more of us, he also tried to hide the crime. On a live video auction Tiffani aka Amy Jergens ( who has 2 names?) called saying she was in an accident. He left and returned 20 minutes later like nothing happened all while his gf is being arrested outside his business. Then he deleted the video he usually keeps up for weeks. If you really care about your community than keep your trashy gf off the streets.

August 27-29/24

sick pay raises
How in the world does the city of Oswego justify $30.000 and $40.000 thousand dollar a year raises.Are you crazy that is insane.What a rip off to taxpayers.You all should be fired.

August 27-29/24

Clown car of catastrophe

 It seems as though you are attempting to assert you personal opinion into the judicial system.

Do you know the right people? Maybe..  my opinion us that...

You don't know the right people to get you out of this one. Maybe next time, you will perhaps consider controlling your self! Keep your hands to yourself!

Climb into the clown car of catastrophe with the rest of the clowns 🤡.

DiMartino,  Caraccioli,  Christopher,  Mitchell, Brown, Nicholson, Nazerine,  Seiter,  etc...  conduct yourselves ethically

Be careful,  think for yourselves. 

August 27-29/24





Today's Quote  August 24-26/24

 Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. Share this Quote
Edgar Degas

ICYMI we FTFY. GG though.

DAE see this as a CTA? We do.

TIL the people of Oz BTS are RTG.

The DA is OOO. LMGTFY Mr. Duh-martino is called the law.

WYGAM stand up, speak out, DIY, and don't give up. This will result in a big ROI.



August 24-26/24

Anyone who believes the DA and sheriffs aren't corrupt. Take a step back in time. Pull up one name Mr. Horton, nickname Smoky, former judge brought up on ethics complaints, he stepped down. Later he was charged with vehicle manslaughter, he did 2 years. The man he killed, ironically beat another man to death Bobby King. He too did 2 years. Gary Thibodeau case the criminals walked free, an innocent man did their time. The same exact time they prosecuted Gary they ran another case with jail house snitches and that case went astray. Look at Erin Maxwell case, few years in prison, now out free walking around like it never happened. Ask yourself how you committed acts of murder and get away with it by doing 2 years at a time?? These are only a few cases off hand. Many, many botched cases. Smoky is also listed in Bohrer notes AS to having a connection to Heidi Allen and Mark Hall and rumored to like his cocaine. Don't expect high criminals to do time. Especially those with their hands in the bag. This is why James Steen felt he was going to walk in ten years. In order for murderers to walk free, two things must first come to play, a bogus investigation and a dirty DA.

August 24-26/24

Ignorance at its finest
There is a very either nieve or just dumb woman on fb who is out to defend Barbie Fife. I never knew a good man beat a man to a pulp by bouncing his head off a deck beam, I also never knew a good man slept around behind his wives back by sleeping w a bartender at Hazzys right in public over the bar. Absolutely nasty ass man.!!! Boy are you fooled. Do you truly believe a biker president is going to bring you in to his world? That's laughable. It's called a front. Most serial killers are liked by the community, they fit in to keep the heat off them. Blind, ignorant or something but you lack common sense. Ever heard do as the Roman's do? That's what he does around you. He is not a stupid man. Read his bi laws, lets see your black book DB show them who you really are. If you do not know even what that is or what laws he believes he lives and stands by. Then no, you do not know the real bambi slayer. You know only what he allows you to know. When the truth prevails you will look like a fool.

August 24-26/24

Cannibais Store:
Hey mayor who ever is blocking this from coming here, is costing Oswego at least 4% taxes for the city,you claim we are so short on money. Its a nobrainer let people buy it legally and not sneaking around. But we can have DRUNKEN DA"S and lawyers and that is alright, and remember we know that you know where BARLOW blew all that money.

August 24-26/24

Answer key
To the acronym writer,

Perhaps an answer key follow up would be helpful.

It took me forever to figure it out.

"WYO DA? MBN to be like... TLDR"

"What you on DA. Must be nice to be like.... too long didn't read."

Thanks for the lessons. No FOMO here either.


August 24-26/24

To Mr Fife, Doc Hollywood, Duh-martino, Sheriff Hilltop, Mr Lozenge, and the rest of the Gang of Goons;

All the Munchkins in Munchkin land, the residents of the Emerald City, and every single person in the land of Oz; is over the lies and systemic corruption.

Instead of covering up for your buddies, how about actually doing an investigation. Protecting and serving the people. Respect the constitution. Honor the oath that you took to behave ethically.

This problem is huge. It encompasses multiple generations of "prominent" families. The higher authorities must be aware of all the impropriety by now.

Gang of Goons be gone. Is there a goon repellant available?

The people need an uprising.


August 24-26/24

Lanza, what a disgusting POS!

It is well known that you are a colorful clown. You fit nicely in the clown car of catastrophe.

Duh-martino you are a disgrace. Even your own party wants you out.

Ms. Brown, why must you harass children? Your choice of legal counsel shows your own lack of discernment.

Doc Hollywood, did you make it to rehab?

Seiter, how's life in daddy's shadow?

Scoot over and make room for the attorney for the city and town of OZ. He will be joining you shortly.

You are right it is who you know. You all seem to know a bunch of small town bullies. Oh wait you are the small town bullies.

You think the people are too scared or too uninformed.

I've got news for you..... We are not what you think.

We are well informed, unified, growing in numbers, and willing to stand up & fight back.


August 24-26/24





Today's Quote  August 21-23/24

 There's no glory like those who save their country.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

The new DA protecting skumbag criminals.

Did anyone not tell Duh-Martino he represents the people not the criminals.

Since he was handed the keys to the office , Hes lost 2 DA's for DWI's, They both had Previous DWI, Why were they even considered ?

He has let a Child Molester go free from 2 different towns Abused the same victim for years. and the scumbag is out and about Braggin how he will get his job back as a guard at the Nuke plants.


August 21-23/24

Think About This
There has to be a Construction Plan ( coordination ) between city, National Grid, DPW, on any opening of roads and streets !

Now I Understand the unpredictable , but in the world of construction , you look at the construction and late up dates to any construction to any streets, buildings that may require any road excavation , so that any new paving can be not be subject to any day after excavation which national grid, the dpw seem to have no concept of priorities in the construction world

August 21-23/24

DB what are you afraid of? Why are you such a bully? Big truck, small soda can? Is this why it is necessary to solicit outside services? How sad is your wife with the cola sausage? How is the unemployment line? Do you have to pack your own bananas for lunch now? Mrs. Fife, how are you? How much life insurance is on your head? Be careful.

August 21-23/24

So not sorry
You don't need to fear Barbie Fife. Not any more. Let's tell the truth. The truth is he's a habitual liar, master manipulator, serial stalker, back woods, man of the woods pos that deserves federal prison, serial killer. It's coming. Stay tuned.

August 21-23/24

I was asking myself if there was an ION certain people? Funny how those in power keep getting arrested. It is not the sheriff's making the arrests. One man in power knew you were killing people, 15 years ago. If he is who is leading the pack. Good for him. He made promises, I will bet you he will keep. Even you Lanza higher authority did ask about you. You and ol Mr. Hollywood. Might ask yourself how much they do know. Mr. Hollywood I'll quote a few of them is an idiot.

August 21-23/24

Who's WE
Barbie Fife, DB, man in the woods, big bad Barney. Who uses acronyms? Who's WE aren't afraid of you? Makes you wonder? You should ask yourself Who's WE? How many posters are there? Are they people you know? Have you been being watched, have you been recorded, have you been good? If so, no worries. If not, start worrying. https://youtu.be/jiMXK9eDrMY?si=MHjKUU2td8JzmB93 GAB SGHTF.

August 21-23/24

High School Assistant Principal
Just curious if anyone knows why the High School has 3 assistant principals?

August 21-23/24

Reply to OZ
YOLO that's for sure. So do us all a huge favor make it go down with a boom. Get all eyes on OZ. Make them an example of what not to be. If you know, you know, right? So finish what needs to be completed. Set out some new cold beers for the good ones who have helped. We will bring the lawn chairs. Time, is what was needed to fulfill closure for a multitude of families. That time is now. To the poster not afraid of DB lmao bet you might be a big Irish dude, w a touch of a bronx accent. If so Barbie be afraid, very, very afraid. I thought you were rough and tough. Bambi slayer you ain't seen nothing quite yet. That man will make you cry. Yes!!! let's fricken go. The beers Luke warm. We are waiting. Light the spark. You have the publics support.

August 21-23/24

Lanza laughing stock
Tainting the jury pool lol!!! Sal Lanza we could all stand in line holding signs, wearing tshirts and chanting hang him as they did to Gary Thibideau. I mean fairs, fair, right. Lol tainting the jury, you mean like you tried to do online with Rich Murtagh, one night posting lies about Gary Thibideau and you got slapped w documented facts as you out right lied publically, online? You mean like that? That Karma trains a bitch. HOFDL how the tables have turned, you do to others Lanza as you wish done to you. No one feels sorry for you Lanza. No one feels sorry for Mr. Hollywood or big bad Barnie Fife. In fact the word is, many can not wait until someone comes in and arrests all of you. The beers on chill we are all waiting. They know more than you understand Lanza. "They" meaning bigger people than you, yourself know. It's about who you know Lanza not what you know.


August 21-23/24



Today's Quote  August 18-21/24

 Youth is a blunder; Manhood a struggle, Old Age a regret.
Benjamin Disraeli


NP. BC we all need to HODL.


ION, the people of OZ FTW.

BYOB everyone.

FWIW, IMO the DA needs GYAT, ESP ATM. WYO DA? MBN to just be like....TLDR.


TFW, TMI is never enough.

HMU, we NGL.


August 18-20/24

The new DA protecting skumbag criminals.
Did anyone not tell Duh-Martino he represents the people not the criminals.
Since he was handed the keys to the office , Hes lost 2 DA's for DWI's, They both had Previous DWI, Why were they even considered ?
He has let a Child Molester go free from 2 different towns Abused the same victim for years. and the scumbag is out and about Braggin how he will get his job back as a guard at the Nuke plants.

August 18-20/24

This is circulating Facebook now and figure share it here! Thanks. T.K.J.J

August 18-20/24

Political monies
After elections , all “ war chest monies “ goes to non for profit organizations .
Every person running far a political position , starts with a $0.00 balance !

August 18-20/24

What is going on with the case against Lanza?

That man assaulted an innocent bystander.

Shame on him. The officials involved in the cover up will be exposed.

Lanza, you are a disgrace. Your misogynistic behavior is unacceptable.

"Sal being Sal" is such a derelict of duties. The truth is out there.

It is fact that a constable accidentally bumped, the lady into you. (It's on record) Mr. Lanza, your overreaction constitutes gross misconduct on your part. You are disgusting. What now?

The county is not allowed to surpress Freedom of speech. The people need to know how inappropriate you are. That is fact. Posting public information is not tainting the jury pool.

Gang of Goons.

August 18-20/24

County policies
What are the Oswego County Sheriff's Department standard operating procedures?

This is supposed to be publicly posted. Can anyone find it?

The Sheriff's Department, and the county legislature came to an agreement to post this information publicly. FYI... It's not.

August 16-20/24

NYS Weed store:
Who is stopping this from happening, as other legal owners have tried to open a store in oswego, and SOMEONE is saying no ???? Just let the ILEGAL crap just keep on growing. Wake up Oswego .Republicans smoke weed.


August 18-20/24




Today's Quote  August 16-17/24

 It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. Share this Quote
Marlene Dietrich

Re: Re paving , not that simple, the sub grade and drainage had to be corrected first !
Ed , broken water lines , NG has to saw cut road to fix or reinstall gas line , city changing out water line for meters , when a road is opened up , there has to be no water in the hole or do not open up when it is raining . Sub soil has to have the proper moisture content , hole dry , levels of sub soil proper increments and tamp and have inspectors that know how to inspect , not clerk of the works .
I never saw a New York State DOT inspector inspecting west first street from funereal home to Ellen street . But I did see McGrath driving around all over , but not in his work area !
Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 12, 2024, at 2:48 PM,

City of Oswego hired Sub standard Contractor !
Have you ever seen a sub contractor or the city for that fact , use a plate or jumper compactor to compress sub grade and have an inspection firm Inspect the specs ?
City of Oswego does not have people that know anything about road construction, Building Construction , Construction near or next to a River , or water Source ! No silt traps , no consideration to to the businesses that rely on that public parking .
Rivers Tenants park on water street without permit !
Parking on water street should be two hour parking !
So , rivers micro beer , appts and employees for the micro brew , maids , other staff , garbage pick up , food delivery , snow clearing , where do they all park ?
How come Rivers tenants are not parking in the former Stoneys Building Lot ?
This City Has No Building Construction Standards and has people calling shots that should be working at Lowes ( cash check out lines , including the Outdoor Checkout)!

August 14-15/24

New DA
So the new DA has developed the habit of blaming other people for his failures.

The office got a case dismissed. It was the prior administrations fault.

I hired a drunk. He told pme he stopped drinking.

The office can't handle all traffic tickets, misdemeanors, and felonies. Obviously the legislature hasn't given us enough people to do the work. Of course, we have to ignore the fact that the DA office for the prior 25 years just worked with however many people the legislature gave it.

The office can't hire attorneys. The new discovery laws have made impossible to hire attorneys. Well they only went effect in 2020. Why are all the other DAs offices able to hire people? Maybe because they don't rely on word of mouth like the current DA. Maybe no one wants to work in Oswego because the new DA and his Number 2 guys are arrogant incompetent buffoons (or at least that is the word on the street).

This all leads up to question of who will the DA blame for the defendant in the most recent shooting at the Sting, an attempted murderer, getting out of jail scott-free because his office didn't do anything to indict her within 45 days as required by law.


That story is about the arrest not her release.

Someone needs to be fired for this!!!! I mean how incompetent is the person who was handling this case not to know that if you don't indict in that time she gets out of jail.

If the DA was handling the case himself, then he needs to say so and explain why he didn't do what the law requires. If it was an underling handling the case, then that person needs to be fired. Anyone who is experienced enough to handle that kind of case should be able to indict the case that quickly.

I am sure that the DA will blame someone else or lack of resources for this At sometime this DA needs to realize the buck stops with him or recognize he doesn't know what he is doing and hire people that do.

August 14-15/24


What now? You think you are so big. You are not.

Do the citizens a favor and resign.

Step back. Noone believes you.

August 14-15/24

Allen-Gregory should warm up the brinks truck after dingle berry Dan and the Sheriff Department just made her a little richer. I wonder if the ass clowns in Minetto are paying attention? The $50k clerks office still can’t figure out they work for the citizens, May 27 is the last meeting updates. Even after dingle berry jr was warned numerous times.
Sent from my iPhone

August 14-15/24

It looks like the DA should study the law.

The Sheriff's Department needs to understand the constitution.

The attorney's need to go to ethics training.


Gang of goons.

August 14-15/24

They are Speeding on east 8th street , not east 7 th street !


August 14-15/24





Today's Quote  August 14-15/24

 Nature is indifferent to the survival of the human species, including Americans.
Adlai Stevenson I

I just watched the noon news and our CORRUPT MAYOR is proposing a 5% tax increase as their is a shortage. NOT OUR fault, this city needs to be looked into as for 8 years under barlow there was supposedly no tax increase, now this mayor that KNOWS WHERE all the monies went wants more. After he got elected he hits us with 100% property increase, and now 5% tax raise, we are TAXED OUT. This city has so many on social services, that there are very few left to pay, they pay NOTHING . Between all the businesses that run TAX free, its a joke, and 51 police officers (that you never see) riding around in brand new vehicles and now a pickup. THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT, people working under the table and getting freebies, you can see them in the grocery stores, look at a seniors cart and then look at theres. SO SAD

August 14-15/24

City Taxes
GET READY! Its in the works. The tax rate is expected to go up! Anywhere from 5% to 10%. GET READY

August 14-15/24

It seems like the DA loses again. If the DA is so broke, then why waste tax dollars on absolute nonsense?

Get it together, do your job, and actually protect and serve.

August 14-15/24

Sorry not sorry
So sorry, not sorry.




August 14-15/24

Barbie Fife,

You have and always will be a dink!

What now? Try again. We are not afraid of you.

Are you really a great hunter? How are your hunting skills these days?

Seems like, your techniques are not quite perfect.

Go Bambi go!

August 14-15/24


Fyi .... all..

August 14-15/24

More Tax
After a huge tax increase on most properties. That the so call Mayor supported and he made that clear at all the public hearings. Now he's pushing for a 5% tax increase. I guess the police don't have enough new cars or public work need some more 70k pickup trucks to cruise around in. All the over the top spending this city government has done Now its time to pay What a piece of work this so call Mayor and his 6 little followers on the common council are They need to go.


August 14-15/24





Today's Quote  August 11-13/24

 Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Oswego NY Nuke Plants
America's oldest nuclear plants are in Upstate, and NY needs them. We have some big decisions to make (msn.com)

August 11-13/24

W 1st St
For those in the back pay attention !!! West 1st St is really NY 48 which is a State Rd so therefore the State will be the one to pave it just like they did with Bridge St ( NY 104) through the city !!

August 11-13/24

City Budget
With a shortfall of over 6 million dollars its time to think about why a no is ever voted on any and all expenditures at the committee, and the council meetings.
Perhaps it's time to reevaluate the actual need for the ridiculously overbloated expenses incurred by an I use the term with tongue and cheek, elected officials. No one in their right mind wants to run for office because of the reprisals whether it's having relatives leaned on by the legal powers that be or friends leaned on by the powers that be !why would a decent person want to go run for office they wanted free health insurance and didn't have it any other way, in the discussions by our elected officials locally it's no wonder that they vote on everything ,spend spend spend and now people have to pay more and more and more taxes on their houses. The potholes on W. 1st St. are still ruining our cars they're excuse for not patching. Those holes is that the state is slated to fix that road With the humongous construction project for the millions and millions and millions of dollars of the new police complex even if they fix the road they probably have to rip it up again when they do the building that they're going to do by the old car dealer and so on and so on and so on I think we need to merge the school & the city governments like it used to be .have a city manager and see if we can trim several dozen millions of dollars off the budget so that people can afford to live. It's getting to the point now where National Grid is going to the public service commission. they want to raise our rates, it's gonna be a choice between eating or heat for many people. The landlords are gonna have to raise their prices with the new legislation that everyone has to have air-conditioning at a maximum of 78° in four years there's no long-term planning and it's obvious. Finding solutions for the complex problems facing our country is bad enough
Maybe it's time that just like people have to be on juries people have to rotate and serve on the council. I suspect there'd be a lot less money spent and a lot more potholes fixed.

August 11-13/24

What is up with the DA?

Legislators get ACD for child endangerment. Why?

What a waste of taxpayer dollars. The DA is crying broke?!?! Then stop wasting the citizen's money on nonsense.

August 11-13/24

Yellow Brick Road
The Yellow Brick Road leads straight to tragedy. The men behind the curtain, are master manipulators and bullies.

The MEN (and women) behind the curtain are being exposed, one by one.

August 11-13/24

Re paving , not that simple, the sub grade and drainage had to be corrected first !
City of Oswego hired Sub standard Contractor !
Have you ever seen a sub contractor or the city for that fact , use a plate or jumper compactor to compress sub grade and have an inspection firm Inspect the specs ?
City of Oswego does not have people that know anything about road construction, Building Construction , Construction near or next to a River , or water Source ! No silt traps , no consideration to to the businesses that rely on that public parking .
Rivers Tenants park on water street without permit !
Parking on water street should be two hour parking !
So , rivers micro beer , appts and employees for the micro brew , maids , other staff , garbage pick up , food delivery , snow clearing , where do they all park ?
How come Rivers tenants are not parking in the former Stoneys Building Lot ?
This City Has No Building Construction Standards and has people calling shots that should be working at Lowes ( cash check out lines , including the Outdoor Checkout)!


August 11-13/24





Today's Quote  August 6-10/24

 There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper,

and the people who consider price only are this man's lawful prey.
John Ruskin

West 1 ST:
Hey Mayor, why isn"t that street REPAVED as it is the worst street in the city, and while you are at it i have to deal with EAST 10th AND UTICA everyday , take the USELESS traffic light at WEST 1st and ERIE st and put it at EAST 10th and UTICA. There alot of children now living around that area and its HAVE AT IT , 4 stop signs is not the answer.

August 6-10/24

National grid rates
Grid lobbying to raise rates call your representives ask to try to stifle rate increases after doubling taxes now electric gas goin up and then food or heat!!!!

August 6-10/24

Lordy give it a rest
Robert kilpatrick seems to have an issue with most posts. Maybe, it's because the only life he has is tour's of the fort outside of that he just can not seem to grasp reality of OZ. Stay inside your fort the world is a much more nieve place to be for you. If you have so many complaints about the Oswego Lion why even get on here? You sound like a heckling hen, with no life. But then again not much of a life outside of playing fort, every day.

August 6-10/24

L see we are paving hardly used Turrel st , behind KInneys, WHAT ABOUT WEST 1ST FROM 1ST and BRIDGE TO YOUR NEIGHBOR HOOD < MAYOR. Priorities are a JOKE.

August 6-10/24

L see we are paving hardly used Turrel st , behind KInneys, WHAT ABOUT WEST 1ST FROM 1ST and BRIDGE TO YOUR NEIGHBOR HOOD < MAYOR. Priorities are a JOKE.

August 6-10/24

Oswego NY Nuke Plants

August 6-10/24





Today's Quote  August 2-5/24


Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.
Thomas Merton

Local Pervert Bragging About How He Is Beating Charges.

Franklin L. Woodmancy III, 38
On 1/12/24 at 8:50 a.m., Franklin L. Woodmancy III, 38, of Scriba was arrested for 2 counts of Forcible Touching and 2 counts of Sexual Abuse, 3rd degree following two separate incidents that reportedly occurred in the Town of Minetto. Mr. Woodmancy is scheduled to be arraigned in Cap Court on 1/26/24.

This guy is bragging about how he is going to get off with a reduced sentenance and no record. This new DA is just as bad as the old one.



Sounds like another case of Oswego County child molesters covering up for eachother. I said it before and I will say it once more. There is a an underground of perverts and pedophiles that engages in everything from kiddy porn to human trafficing. It includes local doctors, lawyers, businessmen, teachers, public officials and clergy. Whenever they get caught they always manage to get the charges dropped.

Touché, I though your response to my post about acronyms was just beautiful! I had I good laugh, however, it took me 20 minutes to decipher the post. Thanks for the schooling, no longer have a FOMO. – R. Kilpatrick


Traffic Ticket
If there are no laws in Oswego County, why did you get a ticket? If you are so law and order why should you expect a warning? Wouldn’t letting you go be a mild form of corruption? Finally, an officer does their job and you are indignant. You remind me of that big goofy orange guy bitching about law and order until it catches up with him. – B.Fife







Today's Quote  August 1/24

 Nothing succeeds like success.
Alexandre Dumas

Fort Ontario reply
I can say it's more than one poster. Ignorance is bliss.


This city is so corrupt its sicking, example , i get pulled over for a brake light out, and got a ticket instead of a warning. The other day i watch a pickup towing a trailer with no BRAKE LIGHTS, TURN SIGNALS, with a policeman right behind him all the way through the city, now WTF. Pickups haul all kinds of crap and NEVER COVERED , i think that is against the law, Oh thats right their are no LAWS in Oswego county.


WSP .... To the person stating they don't understand. TYSM for asking. AFAIK this information is well known to most.

OMG, LOL. I'm ROFL! WTM you don't understand? NP we are here help. AMA

DW.... We are all out here on the DL.


IYKYK, if not oh well.

TBA , ICYMI more corruption in the land of OZ. It will be the GOAT.

JK.....I'm SMH. IDK WTF is going on either.

IMHO people need to inform themselves. If you refuse to learn, then DBA.

To all of those who do understand, then LFG!

TTYL, HMU if your FOMO is too much to handle. YOLO!!


Habitat for humanity houses
How can the public find out how many of these Habitat for Humanity Houses are actually current on their mortgage payments? I was recently informed that some of them are extremely behind in payments even though they are gainfully employed. So this just means they are just not paying their mortgage and getting away with it and that is disgusting. This program in our county has catered to certain people that should not have otherwise qualified for these houses in the first place... so this is quite irritating. It's really pitiful when people who have decent paying jobs just don't pay their mortgage when given this opportunity....especially when others were not chosen that actually met the correct program parameters. Shame on you Habitat. You really need your program audited.


To learn more, visit www.volunteertransportationcenter.org



Community Resource Officer
Not trying to sound like a meany when I say this. What do they do? They do more than parking tickets now? Don't they have to be sworn peace officers and have training and certification like a peace officer? (That's the official title state uses for police)

They have new cars, and just drive around from what I can tell. It has Oswego Police plate on it...


Infamous Woman of Oswego
She is back with the posts on Facebook. Blaming everyone and anything for her own doings. Never taking responsibility. Shifting the blame and pointing fingers.

CPS, DSS, Police and such are involved because of your ways and living styles. I highly, highly doubt it's anyone else's fault. So own up, fix it and move forward.

Expecting a handout, expecting someone to take care of you? Move on. Only way you get a handout or help is if your elderly or physically disabled.

Not trying to kick you while you're down. You need to do better. Stop airing your nonsense on social media. You do realize DSS, CPS and police look at that and use it against you? Lol wow.


County Highway Department
I was wondering if the Oswego County Highway Department has either a sign crew or a tree trimming crew and if so what are they doing. Had the chance to drive thru parts of the county thru Phoenix and Oswego Town and saw so many signs faded so bad you had trouble reading them and the reflectiveness was worn off and or they were hidden from a driving distance by trees or tall grass and weeds. I know the county pickups drive these roads everyday but aparently they just don't care. They should start writing work orders to put the crews to work instead of hanging out in the garage.
Just an observation. Maybe pick a road a road a week and check everything.






Today's Quote  July 25-26/24


You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.
Vernon Howard

The land of Oz
Who is the actual man behind the curtain?

The world may never know.

July 25-26/24

Well, well, well, it seems like the DA is absolutely incompetent. Poor DA ... Didn't recieve documents, not honoring previously made agreements, Noone is sure what's going on.

The DA is unprepared. Best of luck folks. Pull the curtain back and watch the show.

Or participate... your choice!

Re: Fort
I agree there are many great aspects of Oswego County. However, I am not talking about that.

What I am talking about, are the issues that are here in Oswego County. DSS failing to do their job (or what it seems like). How police are never around pulling people over. How the roads in the city and county are pothole heaven and terrible for cars. How Oswego City isnt talking about the murders and homelessness crisis here. I'm pointing out legitimate issues here.

The issue is driving the message across and making people aware that things need to improve in our communities. Yes, there are great things here already, let's improve on the stuff that needs improving.

Fort is a great place to spend half a day, the parks, the county and the towns. Great history here. But let's improve the issues at hand as well.

T.K.J.J :-:

Re: homeless / Facebook
It's only going to get bad as inflation goes up, and prices continue to rise. Don't hand them anymore. Buy them food and drink. That's what I do from time to time. There are a couple on the east side by price chopper. One sits on one corner, other sits on opposite corner. They are both working with each other.

Facebook post. I know whom you are talking about. She airs her business like it's gaining popularity. No body needs to know that information. "CPS got called on me". Because there is probably an issue. I don't blame them for doing their job. Claiming you are a single mom isn't a gloat either. I feel bad for your kids cause there is probably an issue going. Nicole on Facebook, in Oswego.

Re: Hatch act
Insane. All that were involved should be fired. This was what, 2020? Time to have FBI look into this county. Nothing ever has gone good here in the county. Super suspicious. Time for someone to crack the lid on this county and let the worms out. Like the fat little stump Kevin Hill. What a nightmare. We need something new and big in this county. A shakedown. A pot stirred. The races tracks here are a joke. The repubtards here are a joke. The Republicans here are liberal and the democratic here, or lack thereof, are conservative. On a national level it's the opposite. How it should be. Why is it like that here?!?! Time for a total shakedown. Democratic here in this county need to start pushing hard for seats here. Time for change.

Maybe so
Arent there federal laws against former, standing and active military involved in criminal activity? I do believe so.

Head Shop
East 2nd and Utica, use to be Fred's News Stand is now being turned into a Head Shop. Get ready for that hot mess of a cluster f*ck. You can thank Pauldine and the City of Oswego on that. The business owner himself, an Indian, lied to the Planning Board and the City, and they still approved him, from what i know of. Get ready for the trash and scum going there and trashing up the area again. It'll be another Val Haven nightmare just at a different corner.

Make sure you call the city and complain, make sure you call your city common council member and complain. Call code and complain.

Whos who?
All I can say is https://youtu.be/tu5EBMgf4D8?si=lnL04ctaQWZvu9YR and some day I'll say. I told you so!!! Who's who? Great question. After all these years Karmas coming around. 😉 it's just a matter of time. The more info that flows. The more truth will be exposed. Can't shut it down here. Or the internet. Or the families who have connected to each other, can't shut down the multitudes gathering against you, what's most epic, you cant hurt them and shut them all up. The truth about the corruptions growing like mold. I'm going to remember what my buddy said word for word, "he may not know his reign of terror is almost over, but everyone around him does." I pray every day his words some day ring true. It would be well deserved and a long time coming. But great question from prior poster, Barbie Fife, do you know who is who? Do you know who made that statement. I'll give you one hint. It was a lifetime friend of your own. That's down right sad, your friends wish for your demise.







Today's Quote  July 21-24/24

 The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past,

and every sinner has a future.
Oscar Wilde

Fort Ontario
It was so refreshing to read George Clark’s post regarding Fort Ontario. Not only because of the great history the Fort has to offer, but it was in a comprehesive post using proper grammer and real words spelled correctly. It is hard to understand what the other posts are about with all the acronyms and secrets only they know about. Are you posting for just for a few people? No one outside your realm know WTF you are talking about. Use instagram or some other venue; spare us the agony. Like T.K.J.J is always touting, “ What A Joke!!!” and believe me he/she is an expert on being a joke. Thanks George for giving us a history lesson and focusing on the positive aspects our area has to offer. – R. Kilpatrick

July 22-24/24

Whatever happen to Oswego County Sheriff's office and probation department violating thr HATCH act? ( I bet some people don't know about that)

Sheriff's office violated that when they brought their boat off county property and line to 'support' Trump.

Probation Department did the same thing violating the act by promoting favorable elections to others in the communities and to the people on probation. Odd?

Where is the outcome to all of this? Whatever happen to all of that? Isn't that all odd? It's talked about for a split moment and *poof* never talked again.

July 22-24/24

Neo-Nazi / Civil War
Protests popping up all over the country now of these "neo-nazis". WTF are you even trying to accomplish, one? Two, absolutely despicable and disgusting that these people even exist still.

Whoever "agrees" or silently nods their heads to these people are equally part of the problem in this country and world. Pure hate and violence gets us no where in life.

This country is about to have a civil war over Democratic and Republicans. Over ideology, thoughts and who is better. We are one misunderstanding away from war and conflict on a global level, and one sentence away from civil war.

July 22-24/24

Homeless / Facebook
Homeless are growing even more in this country of ours. The states, counties and cities are becoming restless about the on going situation. When will someone take action for this and try and help solve the problem? More nonprofits?

Local woman on Facebook crying about how CPS is back involved in her life in Oswego and claiming she "doesn't abuse her kids". Cry session big time. Wow. I heard the kids were touching each other. Why air that business in Facebook? Why tell the world that? You do understand CPS and DSS looks at your social media accounts right?

Just wow!

July 22-24/24

So Barbie,

Did misogyny actually get you in the end?

Safety may be the actual documented reason for dismissal, but everyone is aware of your disdain for women in general. Rumor has it the reason you are obligated to 'patronize ' certain individuals is to do things, that "normal" people won't tolerate.

Did you historically drug women at the sheep 🐑 farm, because you have been, and still are a deviant? Do you enjoy an incapacitated partner?

What does your wife think about all of this? Is she just making venison stew?

You should be a proud boy.

July 22-24/24

The land of Oz
Who is the actual man behind the curtain?

The world may never know.

July 22-24/24

Well, well, well, it seems like the DA is absolutely incompetent. Poor DA ... Didn't recieve documents, not honoring previously made agreements, Noone is sure what's going on.

The DA is unprepared. Best of luck folks. Pull the curtain back and watch the show.

Or participate... your choice!


July 22-24/24



Today's Quote  July 19-21/24

 Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.

DB is rumored to have lost their day job.

Well, well, well....then...there should be plenty of time to sharpen your skills, perfect your techniques, and get back out there to hunting for new employment.

Again why is it that you were terminated? Did you fail to follow the safety standards? Did you perform that 'job' as haphazardly as you do everything else? Did you turn down employment because it is as dirty as you?

Take the power back with an uprising or a dance off




July 19-21/24

To the Editor:
How does one measure success? Many components are necessary to achieve it. A good example is the transformation of Fort Ontario, a static historic site, into a viable living history center. Certainly, no easy accomplishment for the faint of heart.
A worthy venture for a leader with quality attributes in tune with the task. An individual that would take the bull by the horns and guide it, in the right direction, to complete the mission at hand, and difficult it would be.
With perseverance, working with a competent staff, volunteers, Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation curatorial professionals and regional managerial components the prize was gained after many years. Many years of traveling down a road sometimes riddled with pot holes and on occasion artillery and mortar shell craters. Navigating around these obstacles Paul Lear, with his supporters, completed the transformation.
With the retirement of Paul Lear, the stewardship of this treasure has been left in the capable hands of Matt MacVittie, another historian.
Go back in time, visit Fort Ontario - view the work that has been done to the exterior and interior of the historic buildings and talk to the interpreters to learn more about the fort and relish the fact that this iconic piece of America’s past is in our community.
And for Paul’s next project… but that’s another story.

George M. Clark, president
Continental Arms Collector’s Association, Inc.

July 19-21/24

Barlow and Sims
Barlow made an a$$ of her. But then again, she was stupid to think he'd change for her. I heard he's with Quincey Zimmerman, if so, she's the next fool.

July 19-21/24

How can he be the commissioner of jurors and run the county? I over heard a council jerk and a big landlord at a local restaurant talking about how Cloonan okayed the city assessment deal. Who the hell is he to okay anything?

July 19-21/24

More homeless
More and more come to Oswego to watch the river and water.


July 19-21/24

This is classic

CPS Oswego County
What I like to call, "Operation: Forgetful".

Where they look at a case for one day and walk away and pat themselves on the back like they did good work. WHAT A JOKE!!!

Hope they really look into some cases and do their damn job. Kids getting molested, kids getting beaten up, kids being neglected. Kids dying on their watch.

I really hope they start looking at the cases with a magnifying glass because there is some serious issues here in Oswego County.

Check Facebook, check social media sites, check with neighbors. Check their employers. Children shouldn't have to suffer or be neglected.

Oswego County DSS is a joke too. Handing out WICK, food stamps, cash allowance, unemployment like it's candy. Tell these lazy people to go find employment and more than 20hrs a week as well. Same with them. Talk with their employers, neighbors, check Facebook and such.

T.K.J.J :-:

July 19-21/24

Why is it that Oswego County is rogue? The county is operating outside of local, regional, and state reccomendations. There are legal statutes, in place for a reason.

Who is next up, in the clown car of catastrophe? What judge will have to be appointed? Graham is a term of measurement, that encompasses weight.

Who holds the most weight? What decision is weighed most significantly?

Who is the man behind the curtain? Just like the Tootsie Pop... the world may never know.

Best day ever
Hey now leave Dan the man alone, lol I opened the lion, lmaoTy folks great news to know that low life was canned. Best day ever. Karma DB is a bitch. Remember what you did to my family!!!! Until you are in prison should any one stop. We know who you are and what you are. That's a total loser, with many mysteries surrounding you. Tg someone's making moves to remove you. About time. Best NEWS EVER!!! GET IT DONE FOLKS HE DESERVES NOTHING LESS THAN A SEAT IN HELL.

July 19-21/24

Lmao Poor DB
If any one believes Barbie Fife even with Heidi Allen they are either dumber than a box of rocks or part of the problem. Bring him down. Keep going you are all doing an excellent job. Lmao gotta love the good folks of OZ with out you there'd be nothing great left in the land of drugs, corruption and liars. Now let's push to bring those missing home and someone get that sob in cuffs. It's coming, tic toc DB goes your clock. I will not forget. I'm simply watching now. Tens of thousands stand against you. Your boys and you are out numbered. You feeling it yet. 14 years big boy it took. I got the rest of my life. Do you?? Lmao man that Karma is headed right at you. I promised you. That promise looks like it's going to unfold. You can thank God some day. Or pray but I don't think he cares. No one does. You remind me of Ken McElroy. You might google that. The man acted just like you. But this time prison is where you'll go. Can't wait. On that day I'm lighting fireworks and getting drunk..party at my house.

July 19-21/24

Oswego County DA Thomas Christopher
I was over reading another wall an attorney Mr hollywood must have, over there and was threatening people with defamation, claiming that Mr Hollywood took prescription drugs that intoxicated him without his knowledge lmao does that count Mr attorney cocaine use? Drug test him, hair sample him, better yet check up his nose. How's that for defamation? I saw him buy cocaine. Literally watched him. He's not the man his attorney thinks he is. But the community knows the truth. So Mr. Attorney are you claiming Mr Hollywood didn't read his prescription bottle or read the paper work from the pharmacy or better yet that he has a huge law suit with the FDA?? Give it a break the lies from you are disgusting. Mr. Attorney better yet quit, he's a bold faced liar and you look like a fool defending him. We know who he is and what he is. You can't sue the entire county. Now can you???

July 19-21/24

Barbie Fife
Two words come to mind. Serial killer...time tells all.

July 19-21/24

The land of OZ
Quite the history of impropriety.

Felon fire fighters, obstinate officers offering outrageous opinions, contrary children conforming to contemptuous conduct, libertine leaders, and appalling actions amongst attorneys...

There's no place like home. ... except anywhere else.

The yellow brick road leads straight to corruption. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

If only the 'straw man' had a brain, the leopard had a heart, citizens had the courage, and the missing were home.

Too much cider is enough to make one's stomach sour; especially if it's spoon fed to you by your father.

Unfortunately.... knowledge appears useless, superiors seem like predators, citizens are SLAPP'ed , and Heidi was "Scrapped".


 July 19-21/24




Today's Quote  July 18/24

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want,

drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
Mark Twain



No one is better at losing an election than the Democrats.

We are now twenty days post debate and the Democratic Party is sinking faster by the minute. Someone came up with the idea that all they need to reassure the public's confidence in Biden is to get him out in the public eye more. Well they did and all it has done is reinforce the perception that Biden is a kindly old man who has fought his last fight and now he is swinging after the bell. Nothing they can do is going to erase the image of the Biden who showed up for the debate on June 28th.

Thanks to Biden's poor performance and a little help from a failed assassination attempt Trump has solidified his base. While the unwavering support from the black community remains solidly behind Biden other factions of the Democratic party are beginning to vacillate.

The independent vote probably would have split 70/30 in favor of Biden but since the debate all bets are off. If the election were tomorrow Biden would lose and so would a lot of democrats at the state and local levels. This is where the independent vote counts. People like myself who have no party affiliation could make the difference but why should I bother. The old Joe Biden would have beaten Trump hands down. Todays Biden has not got a prayer.

I have voted in every election since 1969. Sometimes if I was unhappy with the choices, I voted Socialist Labor or Liberatarian as a protest vote. This time if the Democrats do not put the country ahead of party and come up with a candidate who can win this election count me out because I will not waste my time or my vote on someone who can not win. Not only will I not vote for Biden but I will not vote for a Democrat at any level national, state or local.

July 18/24


Murder scene

July 18/24

Barbie Fife
Rumor has it that Barbie Fife was terminated from his day job.

Why will noone hire you? What happened Barbie? Did you fall asleep at the wheel? Why the continued rhetoric? Did Bambi distract you? Did you get caught in the headlights? Inquiring minds want to know.(FYI noone believes you)

July 18/24

Did mommy forget to pack you a for lunch?...or did you act like a bully, fool, and get put in your place?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? The world may never know. (This is why you have to 'patronize' certain professionals. Noone will do it willingly.)

Why does DB has to pay for "company"?

July 18/24

The land of Oz
Still pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Only look at the "Great and Powerful OZ"

Deputy Barbies are 'Stepford Wives' who are merely puppets in a dangerous "game" of Cat and Mouse .... guess who's who???

Think for yourselves!

July 18/24

What is going on in Oswego County? Attorneys getting arrested, brawls at block parties, officer corruption, children taught to instigate, County wide misbehavior, etc...

Why is it that our "officials" seem to be above the law, but each 'average citizen ' is drug through the ringer?

Absolutely outrageous! Do better, be better, know better!


July 18/24



Today's Quote  July 16- 17/24

 I've come to the conclusion that it's not really possible to help others.
Paul Cezanne

At least he turned himself in but come on. Why though? Why more murders?
Any insight Mr. Editor? What's changed?

July 16-17/24

Re: Nonsense
Why all the sudden violence and hate?
Look at what it gets you. Nothing. Besides someone trying to whack the former orange man.
However. Violence and pure hatred is NEVER the answer.

July 16-17/24

News Channel 9
I'm glad channel 9 is covering the violence in Oswego now. Show the public what's going on. People need to know. That's how it should be. Now next year, I'm fighting my assessment even more, claiming violence is lowering the value of my home. Eff this two wagon city. What a joke!!!


July 16-17/24




Today's Quote  July 15/24

 Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
Henry David Thoreau



And the Biggest Thing
Is what some people are saying , is not what is best for the US , it’s about Trump .

Have any of you Seen the difference between what is best for the American People ?

Have you heard anything from these dem politicians about the American or have you heard what candidate can beat Trump ?

Not one has said What Is in The Best Interest of America !

July 15/24

Barlow's Girlfriends
If you think Alex sims hit bottom when she hooked up with Billie Barlow, her latest job with Oswego County Media Group, AKA the Palladium Times, may be just as low if not lower. At least she has split with Billie boy. When Alex caught the ex mayor with his hand in the cradle, not sure if it is a guy trying to look like a girl or a girl trying to look like guy, she called it quits.

July 15/24

Parade? Who's missing?
Hey was the Mayor even in the parade? I didn’t see him.

July 15/24

Got To Ask
How come New York City Only owns 1.4 % of New York State but controls over 8 million Voters ?

How About the New York State Voters vote gets lost due to Albany and New York City !

How About the Oswego City Board of Education Keeps Paying Teachers aids , for example, paying there retirement Pension, Health , by taxpayers, until the day they die !

And , are those Benefit Transferable ?

July 15/24

Cheese Sandwhich
Use a pepper jack cheese and add a couple slices of ham.

July 15/24

Murder in Oswego
The police have blocked off West Schuyler Street - between W. 2nd and W. 3rd Streets. Over an alleged murder that took place in an apartment there.

Two more patrons from the Sting are involved. A boyfriend killed his girlfriend and put her in the bathtub. Then he told his sister who told him he better tell the police. So the guy calls the cops says I killed my girlfriend and hangs up.

Barlow isn't cheating. He isn't with Alex anymore. She was for his image when he was mayor.

July 15/24



Way back when Wahrendorf was denied a liquor license for the Sting but through someone in the Oswego republican party a connection was made with Onondaga County and a politician up there named Magnareli told the Liquor Authority to give them the license. Like a fool Donnie went around bragging about it and he pissed off a lot of people.


July 15/24


I heard a similar story several years ago. Only in the version I heard a sum of money changed hands. The one constant thing was the name Magnarelli. With all the drugs and gun fights going on there must be some kind of high level protection scheme going on because the ABC would have closed anyone else down a long time ago.





Today's Quote  July 11/24

 Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.


Billy Barlow


That place was a haven for drug users and dealers from the day it opened. Anytime there was a fight or a complaint about the police deliberately covered it up. No reports were made and nothing was piut on paper. Wahrendorfs are a sleezy bunch of brain-dead back-stabbing white trash no-account scumbags. Any neighborhood where they own property soon becomes a bad neighborjhood. Corrupt city officials and police allowed this to happen in the first place and they allow it to continue to this day.

July 11/24

Sounds like you know them better than I do. I was not aware of the no-account part. I think white trash pretty much sums them up.

Oswego ,and OswegoCounty are both LAWLESS. You can drive 45 or 60 on Bridge st., Utica st, and you never see a police vehicle , WHAT DO WE PAY THEM FOR ???? It all starts with the top, THE MAYOR , he doesn"t have a clue (the worst Mayor and aldermen we have ever had. Also you need firewood have the DPW deliver it like they do at 147 East Oneida st. and other places.We live in a cesspool and everyone loves it as about 70% of the residents are on Food Stamps , you can tell at any supermarket , just look around. SICKING .

July 11/24

Is this right?
How does a felon go about getting their pistol permit back ? Is this typical ? I know a judge takes it away . A long history of violence, assaults and other convictions and then you can walk in public carrying after years of being a criminal. And... Anyone can lie about their mental health ...... And do. Hilton will keep us safe


July 11/24






Today's Quote  July 10/24

 Any excuse will serve a tyrant.


Barbie Fife
Barbie Fife is the bully/ (victim) of the schoolyard. He plays the victim while stalking his prey, all the while bullying his way. This is all he has ever known.

He proved this by killing poor Bambi illegally. (See article below) He has stalked his prey for decades, he takes wildlife in violation of the law, he has been illegally in possession of a loaded weapon, amongst other feliny and violent convictions.. etc. Why would anyone in their right mind think all of a sudden that man in no longer a "dink"? He has absolutely done the same things to his human "prey".

Why do people support him? OUTRAGEOUS!!


July 10/24

`Re:Michelle Obama quote

I think "Uncle Joe's" take on voting is more relev6nt today..

July 10/24


National Grid left my lawn this way



I had the same experience. You have to call the office in Syracuse and bitch. If you get one of those morons who can't speak English demand to talk to another customer rep and don't take no for an answer. The excuse I got was the landscaping was subcontracted and I would have to axe them about it. I explained I was not going to axe anyone but I was going to "ask" her one last time. They sent some one around and it was only marginally better than it had been. You have to ride their asses and don't take any shit from them.

Grilled cheese recipe
2 slices of bread, butter on side that touches pan, extra fancy, you can add a little bit of salt to butter side bread

2 slices of cheese, if you want to be fancy, shredded cheese on top of slice cheese

Flip till golden brown on each side. Cut in half and enjoy

July 10/24

There's no place like home .... or is there?
Welcome to the land of Oz. (Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)

Look over here folks... in the center ring we have the lion. Always sharpening its hunting skills, stalking it's prey. Cute as can be when publicly on display... however... a leopard 🐆 will never change its spots. It could attack at any moment

Next up we have the clown car of attorneys. How many clowns 🤡 fit in the tiny clown car of catastrophe? (I think at least a few more should fit in quite nicely)

For our next event we have the absolute nonsense of grown adults acting a fool. (No wonder these children have no idea how to behave in public)

This is in our own backyard. Who's "Proud" now? RICO, (and I don't mean Suave)

Does law enforcement even know the law? Barbie Fife, Don (Knox) Hilton, and all the other Deputy Barbies. "Come on Barbie let's go party."

For our most recent attraction we have a block party 🥳 brawl. According to video it seems someone's pants are on fire 🔥. And it's not because the pyrotechnics got out of control.

Curiouser and Curiouser.... through the looking glass we go.


July 10/24




Today's Quote  July 2/24

 Elections aren't just about who votes but who doesn't vote.
Michelle Obama

A Little Something To Make Folks Smile
A 5 year old's first job
Here's a truly heartwarming story about the bond formed between a little 5-year-old girl and some construction workers that will make you believe that we all can make a difference when we give a child the gift of our time.
A young family moved into a house, next to a vacant lot. One day, a construction crew turned up to start building a house on the empty lot. The young family's 5-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day observing the workers.
Eventually the construction crew, all of them "gems-in-the-rough," more or less, adopted her as a kind of project mascot. They chatted with her, let her sit with them while they had coffee and lunch breaks, and gave her 20 little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.
At the end of the first week, they even presented her with a pay envelope containing ten dollars. The little girl took this home to her mother who suggested that she take her ten dollars "pay" she'd received to the bank the next day to start a savings account.
When the girl and her mom got to the bank, the teller was so impressed, she called the bank manager to witness the tansaction. He asked the little girl how she had come by her very own pay check at such a young age. The little girl proudly replied, "I worked last week with a real construction crew building the new house next door to us."
"Oh my goodness gracious," said the manager, "and will you be working on the house again this week, too?"
The little girl replied, "I will, if those a$$holes at Home Depot ever deliver the f**kin' drywall..."

July 2/24

I see he went from a black pickup, to a sports car, WOW now you know where you assessment money is going, and cameras all over town , the police do nothing now !!!! Hide for 20 years and draw a pension. Hey Mayor we need more homeless people !!!!

July 2/24

Barbie Fife
Barbie Fife is a complete joke. Do your job sir!

'Suck it up Buttercup' Why does that man not want to provide public records? Why is he afraid of the truth?

"Leopards do not change their spots. They only sharpen their claws and perfect their hunting techniques. "

Barbie Fife is not fit to hold office.

Welcome to the land of OZ. Attorneys in brawls, District Attorneys out for illicit drugs, murderers walking free. What next?

July 2/24



Democrats need to give the voters a reason to get out and vote.


Joe Biden is not it.

For the last seven years I have heard the Republicans spew every possible lie and excuse for the criminal behavior of Trump and his minions. Now we are getting the same kind of bullshit from the Democrats about Biden. The man clearly is not operating at 100% anymore and we live in a world where this country requires no less than 100% from a president every day of the week. According to the news his close friends and family are encouraging him to stay the course. They are telling everyone his recent debate embarrassment is not indicative of his everyday performance. They are keeping him out of the public eye as much as possible in hopes of limiting the public's knowledge of his real condition.

I watched most of that debate. After Biden spoke about three sentences all I could think is WTF is going on? The next thought I had was who in the f++k let him go on in that condition. When the debate, if you can call it that, was over all I could think was it is over. He is all done. The Democrats have self destructed again. He has no more business being in the Whitehouse than Trump does. For all those who would say it is not just the president who is in charge but rather the job consists of the president and all the advisors and cabinet members and department heads he has put in place.

Well here is a news flash. I didn't vote for those people!

This is like another Ronald Regan situation where the first lady and a few close friends are running the country while they prop up the president in a chair in the oval office and let him sleep all day.

I have long been a proponent of a third party because the Democrats and Republicans have been screwing us for years. It looked like there might actually be a third party formed for a little while but there was no one prepared to think of the country first and themselves second. So what did we get for a third choice a burned out drug addict from the infamous Kennedy family.

For the time being the choices are:

1- A seventy-year-old- convicted felon who cheats on his wife with porn stars, tried to overthrow the government and promises to be a dictator and use the office to take revenge on his enemies.

2- An eighty-one-year-old who can function at about 80% some of the time.

3- A burnt out doper with worms eating his brain.
Does that make you want to get up early and go the polls and vote or do you just feel like staying home and say fuck it?


Unless the Democrats pull their heads out of their asses and come up with a candidate who does not have one foot in the grave all is lost. Trump's born again rednecks will not leave him and Joe Biden will not win this election!





Today's Quote  June 23-27/24

 It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.
Noel Coward

New Property Appraisals
I was able to get my GAR appraisal significantly reduced, but my taxes will still increase because it was only a reduction, not a complete nullification of the proposed value. I attempted the assessor's office several times, but have not received a reply back regarding the date the new assessment takes effect. So can someone here tell me? Will it be next year? Thanks.

June 23-27/24

I went over to the office at 9:00, when they open and the secretary was 20 minutes
late and requested to meet with the assessor, and she said on Mondays he wears his County hat and is over there all day. So she took my Information and said she would let him know that i was there and he would call me, well here we are in June , (and i was there in early May) and no call yet. Turned in that form that was useless by May 28th, and got my results back yesterday DENIED !!!! Never got to talk with anyone, so i just mailed everything to the NY ATTORNEY GENERAL.

June 23-27/24

National Grid:
I just paid my bill and was told that they want a DOUBLE DIDGET raise in rates , and a man spoke up and said the guy with a shovel in his hand makes $62.00 a hour WTH !!!!!!!

June 23-27/24

Their GROUND ROUND IS GARBAGE, I watched the kid grind up chunks of meat loaded with fat , and tasted like shit, will shop elsewhere.

June 23-27/24

Rumors and gossip
Heard some landlord in Oswego is trying to get a job as code enforcement in city, and also heard that same landlord is trying to get jobs out in the towns and villages.

All you do is drive around, cry, cry and cry. Yell at people. Cry some more. Always saying "always me" nonsense. Always about you and no one else.

What you need, is a good solid slap to the back of the head. You need a wakeup call you f*ck. Time to retire or lose weight.

June 23-27/24

Second Sting Shoot Out In 6 Mos.
Saw the picture on the news. looks like one of Laurie's relatives. Funny but whereever the Wahrendorfs go drugs seem to follow.

June 23-27/24

Port Authority and Other
Last I recall from all of this. Port Authority is a public authority from NYS.

They could have a law enforcement program or whatever but I don't think they do. They are allowed to talk to people and inform people about safety and laws and security with the port and water.

Is Bill Scriber still the director? Cause if so, he does a poor job, cause boats and jetskis and such zip through there like a race car.

I've been boating for over 20 years now. It's slowly has gotten worse as the years have gone on. Someone has to do something.

Other news: There is none because this is a republican county and city that takes care of their "buddies" and "friends" and let family members get jobs before normal everyday citizens. RICO anyone? FBI been tippee off? Hello?

June 23-27/24

The Sting
Where All the smart people hang out !

June 23-27/24

Port Authority and Other
Last I recall from all of this. Port Authority is a public authority from NYS.

They could have a law enforcement program or whatever but I don't think they do. They are allowed to talk to people and inform people about safety and laws and security with the port and water.

Is Bill Scriber still the director? Cause if so, he does a poor job, cause boats and jetskis and such zip through there like a race car.

I've been boating for over 20 years now. It's slowly has gotten worse as the years have gone on. Someone has to do something.

Other news: There is none because this is a republican county and city that takes care of their "buddies" and "friends" and let family members get jobs before normal everyday citizens. RICO anyone? FBI been tippee off? Hello?

June 23-27/24

Pathfinder Bank Sucks
I worked at Pathfinder Bank in the 1990’s and wasn’t surprised by the recent sexual harassment case. While I was there a coworker in the loan department said she received $10,000.00 to settle her case with the bank. The only surprising item with the recent article was it was a guy. I wonder how many other cases will come out now?





Jennifer Cantrell                                     Carol Shannon



June 23-27/24


When is the PRICE GOUGING going to STOP in Oswego, you get out of here and gas is 20 to 30 cents cheaper, BEING RIPPED OFF !!!!!!!!!


June 23-27/24




Today's Quote  June 20-22/24

 I have learned that to be with those I like is enough.
Walt Whitman

Trump And The MAGA Threats
Trumpism is born out of a combination of Joe McCarthy and Adolph Hitler mixed and muddled in the feable mind of an orange faced mesiah. If he were smart enought to see them I believe there are two groups this Nazzi should fear more than going to prizon. One is the rich and privilidged who have shunned him for years. They know what a danger Trump is to their pocketbooks and the status quo. They may well have a plan in place already to take him out. The second would be true patriots, not a bunch of beer guzzling rednecks but men and women who's families and themselves died and fought for the ideals this country was founded on. These people are part of what used to be called the silent majority. The first time a Judge, prosecutor, whitness or politician is killed by one of trump's minions I think you will see a civil war break out. I think some of that silent majority will start killing Trumpers wherever they find them. The first time he was elected the phonelines were jammed with people trying to find out how to become Canadian Citizens. If Trump lives to be elected again I think you will see a run on guns and ammunition all across the country and Trump will be on his private plane headding for Russia to seek assylum.


June 20-22/24

You've been had
What are you gonna do when he comes to get you? Confirmed through some high authority military. They think you boys are a disgrace to this country. They are coming to round up what belongs to UNCLE SAM. Round up time will begin when he's ready. Gitmo seems to be missing a few. No deals will be made!!!! Those tiny little sheriffs can no longer protect what rightfully belongs to the federal government. You can enjoy what times left on the clock. They have all the time in the world to collect what they need. Do you?? You, Mr. Theban Legion president have been had. Don't breath wrong. The time draws near. Seeing as some of you boys like to post no lives matter, well then I guess it doesn't matter when your entire livelyhood is taken as you've done to so many. I can promise you the more military men who know, the more want to join your parade and with honor, they'll gladly do it. You are spitting in the face of our soldiers. Get ready OZ almost there. Do not under estimate the power of good men. God walks with them, your 7 gates of hell will soon be no more.

June 20-22/24

The spark was set, the moment and on the first day Gary Thibideau case aired. How long ago was that? Think back..How many of you are on that list? I hope a few of them bounce your heads off the bus doors as they load you up. In fact a few men said they'd love to do that for you. Let's just hope they do.

June 20-22/24

Re: The Port
There is no law enforcement component to the Port Authority.

June 20-22/24

To protect the boarders It Is In The Constitution .

What Part Are you not seeing on the stupid fun channels that you watch ?

How does a Judge that is in a pool of 100 get three trump cases to oversee ?

What happen to protecting the US Taxpayers ?

Talk About Job Growth , 3/4 was Illegals

Talk About it was Partime Jobs

Jobs at the Fast Food earners , are trying to show up as MAJOR US Economy Growth , and it is not !

June 20-22/24

ElCapitain SuperHawk
Thats a heck of a way to conduct yourself as an officer of the court Mr. Lanza! Is this how notoriety and new clients are obtained? "We fight for your rights, LITERALLY!"
I never had any luck with the guy, in fact, would not hire him again if he was the last mouth piece on earth!
He'll walk on some bogus loophole him and one of his cronies come up with!
LMFAO thank you Elcaptain Superhawk hilarious. I laughed my ass off. Boy Sal you take a beating and keep on ticking. How many times Sal do the people need to slap you? Before you just stay seated?

June 20-22/24

Ring that bell

Tic toc says the clock. Someone ring the bell 🛎 let the fight begin. Watching you corrupt officials, all getting publically slapped is the funniest high light of the year. Well, can't say you weren't warned. Lol I need some popcorn. There's thousands of us. We will keep going until all of you are removed from power. There's no longer a few. Thousands!!!!! Did I not say this will be an epic year. We have only, just begun. Hey Ed, you be ref...

June 20-22/24

Barlow pics
I'm not sure what I'm looking for with the videos. He's entering and leaving a house. It could be a friend so what makes it something illicit? Everyone knows he ran around on Alex all the time and I feel sorry for her for being taken for a fool. Barlow sure makes Oswego Heath look good lol

June 20-22/24

Register Your Team Today
The Volunteer Transportation Center, Inc. (VTC) will mark the ninth year of its Annual Volunteer Transportation Center St. Lawrence County Golf Tournament! The tournament is slated for Friday, July 12, at Emerald Greens Golf Course, 1485 U.S. Route 11, Gouverneur, with a shotgun start at 9 a.m.


June 20-22/24

Harbor Boat Speed
I do not know the origin of the speed limit but back around 1964 signs were put up on the end of the coal dock and on the middle wall in the river just across from Shorty's Bait Shop which said, SpeedLimit 4MPH No Wake. Back then it was fun to come flying up the river WOT and buzz the fishermen at Shorty's then make a U turn just before the railroad bridge and then go back down the middle of river and out into the harbor. Unless it is posted I don't believe it can be enforced.

June 20-22/24

New Property Appraisals
I was able to get my GAR appraisal significantly reduced, but my taxes will still increase because it was only a reduction, not a complete nullification of the proposed value. I attempted the assessor's office several times, but have not received a reply back regarding the date the new assessment takes effect. So can someone here tell me? Will it be next year? Thanks.

June 20-22/24

Steve Bannon
This clown thinks his two years in the Navy has prepared him for jail.
In a way it will be just like the Navy close living quarters and all the and all the man on man sex you want.


June 20-22/24




Today's Quote  June 18-19/24

 Many a trip continues long after movement in time and space have ceased.
John Steinbeck

Re: Port
Port Authority does have say on the water and on land. Accordingly NY State law and senate. Being a Port District (All of City of Oswego and Town of Scriba), they have say in safety, health, regulations, public traffic, security and law, so on and so one.

So for people to say they do "nothing" is inaccurate information. They seem to be more behind the scenes than upfront and active.

Given that they have Authority on water and land, means something. I highly doubt they will pull someone over on land but on water they probably will.


Copy and paste that. Easy enough.

June 18-19/24

Re: re: Probation
They should let people off early if they are not causing problems and have been fine. Helps reduce caseload. Whoever said that is 110% correct.

Probation does have a difficult job at times. I use to be a caseworker for DSS. The caseload is a lot. There needs to be a limit or get rid of those that are not causing problems. That's what I did. Got a better job in my field and moved on from DSS, this was also 10+ years ago.

I do agree. New Visions or whatever that is shouldn't be allowing students to do home visits. Period. Sit in court, and listen in on those procedures, sure. No ride alongs.

June 18-19/24

Leaking information
Shout out to the people that are leaking information (probably illegally), at least they are informing people of what is going on.

I will agree. There probably is a proper way of getting information on this, however, at the same breath, people need to be aware of what is going on behind closed doors.

It's a catch 22. I tell people FOIL the information. Call local press and news and inform then what is going on. Call mayor's office and so on.

The behind close door deals and stuff is getting annoying. Taking care of "buddies" and "friends" is getting annoying to see. I have a pothole in the road right by where I live has been here for 3 years. I call every month to inform DPW. Nothing.

Also, voting for "Trump" is a joke. He will be a disgrace to out nation if he is elected again. Also, where do people fly his "flag" on their cars and house and boats. That's just a flag saying "hey I'm dumb as him and like him".

June 18-19/24

It is unlikely that documents so highly redacted, were leaked.

The Republican Threat

June 18-19/24

Jordan Brooks
I see Tom Drumm is going and running for NYS Senate. I'm glad. His goal is to pass a law to cap caseload for Social Workers. I'm glad.

There still needs to be correction for DSS. What a joke of a system there.

June 18-19/24

Is there anything to be done about corruption in this City and County?

Friends taking care of friends, and buddies rubbing each other to get better benefits from the county and city. What a total joke.

What about broadwells getting a deal again for more beds at the waste place?

What about Avery buying houses so cheap from county and city and making a huge profit? What happening to county auction and city auction?

June 18-19/24

Farms and Grain
Heard that farms in the area are price gouging. Some are stealing grain and cattle. Some are "wasting" their crop to get that massive tax write off.

Heard the Port is getting the grain at a cheaper price and f*cking the Longshoremen down there and getting a bigger check for the state.

Heard the State Police are pulling over County Sheriff's Deputies over and DAs and ADAs to gather insight in crimes that department us committing. Wow.

Finally heard, County Sheriff's is reducing staff and greatly reducing probation department. Wow.

I take all that information as a grain of salt cause rumors be rumors. But it does make you wonder a little bit.


June 18-19/24




Today's Quote  June 17/24

No one can avoid aging, but aging productively is something else.
Katharine Graham

Assessment Final Call

Re: convicted felon
This document is not to be distributed. Fyi.

Not obtained through proper channels.

They were hacked....

June 16-17/24


Cheater cheater
Former Mayor caught cheating on long time gf with random girl inside a car outside of Lagrafs






June 16-17/24

Interns and Probation
The New Vision Program is why your darling girl was taken on a home visit to a probationers home. The criminal justice tract of this program has students rotating between probation, district attorney, sheriffs and possibly others. Oswego County administration has made it mandatory for these departments to show these kids what a day in the life of one of them is like. This is not always a picnic for the workers who have too much to do, but they try to give the students a good experience. These coworkers are mandated by management to take a new vision student a certain number of times per year.

The DA’s has historically had the shredding papers. They ride with road patrol while at the sheriffs department and probably do other things depending on what’s going on.At the probation department the kids, who sign a confidentiality agreement, sit in on pre-sentence investigation interviews in the office and sometime in the jail. They are, at times taken on home visits if time allows. If the young lady didn’t want to go, she could have said so. She never would have been forced to do anything she didn’t want to do. The probation officers are in bullet proof vests because they are carrying a firearm. The new vision student would not have been taken to a home where the officer thought they would have been in imminent danger.

Please go to your legislator and Phil Church, these county employees have enough to do. Providing Career Day to high school students takes time away from their real jobs!

June 16-17/24

Well, I won’t ever go back to Vonas until someone buys Vonas and runs it like a real restaurant. It took 2+ hours to get a table and be served spaghetti and meatballs and chicken parmigiana.

First, we sat at the bar until a table for 2 was available. We were passed over at least once by someone coming in off the street. When the hostess was approached, she was all apologies and had another table cleaned and we were seated.

The order was placed, while waiting, the 3 slices of bread were eaten and we asked for more as well as when the very fancy spaghetti and meatball along with chicken parmigiana. The bread arrived with the dinner at least 30 minutes later. There was no butter. We stole it from an empty table. After getting our meals, we were asked about 10 minutes later if we wanted boxes. They were trying to get ready to close. They were told no, we weren't finished yet. We eventually did need a box and upon leaving , the only table left was Lee Walker and company who didn’t look near ready to leave. They didn’t ask if we wanted coffee or desert.

As a side note, I overheard the hostess making plans with her boyfriend who was at the bar to meet him after work at the Irish Inn. While also at the bar, ex-mayor Gosuck was flirting with the bar tender and let her eat some of his dinner off his plate. He is going to Pleasant Beach tomorrow where the bartender will be working a double shift. Oh, and the menu has changed - a lot!


June 16-17/24

Mr. Hollywood
Do you know who Mr. Hollywood is? If you've been watching this wall long enough you'd know he's the famous ADA who drinks and is intoxicated then gets DWIs lol well Mr. Hollywood you once went to Hollywood to become famous and you are now. It's just not how you wanted it to be. To the poster who said it's been 5 years give him a chance. He lasted a few months. Did you truly believe he stopped? There's more to Mr. Hollywood than what most know. Most know him as intoxicated somewhere with something. His DWI history proves that.

June 16-17/24

Birds of one corrupt bird
What's worse the drunk ADA or the creeper Moody lol birds of a feather flock together. Ones out, ones back. Like a revolving door, they filter the select few the public can't stand in and out. Yet they never go to jail. Someone wedge the door shut. Lock Moody out. 😂 so this stops.


June 16-17/24




Today's Quote  June 15/24

 Before marriage, many couples are very much like people rushing to catch an airplane;

once aboard, they turn into passengers. They just sit there.
J. Paul Getty

https://trumpersaretraitors.quora.com/Smokey-Ain-t-Joking https://trumpersaretraitors.quora.com/Smokey-Ain-t-Joking?ch=15&oid=168855187&share=fabc5d18&srid=NXFJw&target_type=post

June 12-15/24

Oswego County DA Thomas Christopher
\It is difficult to determine who is the greater disgrace: Thomas Christopher, for his inexcusable behavior and for tarnishing the office of the district attorney, or Anthony DiMartino, for enabling this by rehiring Christopher. Come on, DiMartino, Oswego County deserves higher standards. Our elected officials should be role models, and the District Attorney's office must exemplify unwavering adherence to the law. Oswego County deserves better.

June 12-15/24

High School Interns at Probation
While taxpayers foot the bill for probation officers to purchase bulletproof vests and pepper spray and probation officers crying about their safety, they have no issues with taking my daughter, a high schooler, out to the homes of sex offenders and other dangerous criminals without any protection. Not a vest, no means of protecting herself. If your job is so dangerous, why are you taking high school kids into these homes, exposing them to dangerous sexual offenders and putting her in an unsafe position? If anything happens to my daughter or anyone in my family I will own this county and all the idiots that are running it. i will be talking to my legislator, the county head and the school district.

June 12-15/24

Wow just wow.
https://youtu.be/jiMXK9eDrMY?si=E8cuvjTA2L1m4_6N all I can say is LOL what is was told today LOL it's coming. One move THEBAN legion president you made was placing former and military with in your relm. They belong to UNCLE SAM, not you. You'll find this out I assume the hard way. After the info gathered today LOL 😂 when the man comes around and collects what is his , you'll learn one thing the move of putting military inside your gates well WAS YOUR FIRST MISTAKE, UNCLE Sam's gonna collect what rightfully belongs to him. Ask yourself Mr. President where Bohrer is. IF YOU DONT KNOW, WE DONT KNOW. WELL THEN...MIGHT ASK UNCLE SAM.

June 12-15/24

Hey Sal, has it ever occurred to you, you getting online with Murtagh lying about Gary Thibodeau, that your name was drawn? Did ever occur your name was on the corruption list? Did it ever occur to you lol that you were being watched? I guess not lol Sal and Hollywood sitting in a tree here comes CID. Teaming up you two, with the corruption tisk...tisk...hilarious because you most not have realized they knew exactly who you both were? Dumb asses.

June 12-15/24

Code Enforcement
What happened to Code Enforcement in this city. For eight they seem like they were doing their jobs. I realize the new mayor is a do nothing type of guy Gets his picture taken and now cruises around in his new toy. You would think some of the councilors would get off their asses and drive around their wards. Theses landlords (not all) have properties that look like dumps Overgrown yards Properties look like they should be condemned etc. Just drive around. You can tell which slumlords are the owners. And Code Enforcement turns a blind eye to them because of who they are. And property taxes are only going up and up. Such a shame. Shame on this city government.


June 12-15/24



Today's Quote  June11/24

 Putting a little time aside for clean fun and good humor is very necessary to relieve the tensions of our time.

Hattie McDaniel

It's refreshing to know the State Police, do their job and enforce the laws, no matter who you are. We are well aware the Sheriff's do not. Hell, with the Sheriff's, murder is alright as long as you lie, cheat and steal to stay out of jail, toss them a few bucks. They'll keep their mouths shut. State Police arresting a few of you political figures goes to show one group doesn't care who you are. The other is the one causing the problems. So much for Hiltons big stick. The state police stole it.

June 11/24

Oswego Ny and County:
People that use to live here cannot believe how CROOKED and CORRUPT our VOTED in officials are. It is all about them and the hell with the tax payers, THIS CITY AND COUNTY HAVE TO BE INVESTIGATED< PERIOD.

June 11/24

Last time around he was also caught with cocaine. That part was swept under the rug. I wonder what is being swept this time.
For years he has been the go to guy for drug dealers on the east side of the county. Who will they go to now? Eby is so old he can't remember whhich defendants agreed to trade sex for lieniency.

June 11/24

ADAs and Courts
If ADAs are getting arrested for DWI and all that fun nonsense, they probably don't need to be serving the court system. Can be viewed as a liability, unethical, and breach of trust to the public.

What should be happening, if you hold a political position, or work for the court system, or hold some position of power over citizens, and you are getting arrested for something serious, like any other criminal, you should be held to the same standard. They also should be put on suspension without pay, pending criminal investigation and resolution. Along with if they are a lawyer and hold BAR, there should be a submission a grievance to BAR (lawyer license) with the state for unethical practices and their criminal charges.

People need to hold accountable. Everyday citizens are, so should be, the people in "power" as well, held to that same standard. Everyday citizens lose their jobs over issues like this, so should they.

June 11/24

Increases Again
According to US Census Bureau: July 2023
Oswego City Median Income: $30,310
Oswego County Median Income: $33,904
Oswego City Median Household Income: $50,266
Oswego County Median Household Income: $65,054
Now we are contending with National Grid, going to the State about raising the bill. Around an additional $400 to $500 a year. We just got hit with property assessments, school board budget and tax increase, and possible water bill increase (not sure on that). And now we are contending with more. At what point, when is enough, enough? National Grid is claiming that they need more "due to inflation".

By them and everyone else raising the costs and expecting more from the consumers and people to pay more, inflation is going to continue to go up. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/oswegocitynewyork,oswegocountynewyork/HSG010223 Here is the website from US Census Bureau. This is accurate information. Please reach out to your local city common council members and express your concerns. Reach out to your local county legislators and express your concerns.

T.K.J.J :-:

June 11/24

Everyone Insane
Everyone needs to be held to the same standard. Even "Trump" that dump of a man. If any other Joe or Jane was held out on contempt of court, first strike we would've faced the music. He had to be told 10 times.

Same with the ADAs here in Oswego County. Treat them like any other criminal that shows up in County Court. But we don't. You just opened up the gates for possible litigation.

I've been a big component of this, certain people on probation should be let out early, as long as they are not a problem. That lessens their cases.

Criminals that are causing problems, hold them accountable. If you are servant to the public, ADA, DA, Sheriff, or whatever, you are held to the standard. Until proven otherwise. DWI, DWAI, Drugs and you are a public servant, that's a major problem. They just get a big slap on the wrist. Like the County Corrections Officer that was having sex with an inmate. Community service and a fine. WHAT A JOKE. He should be a registered offender. How about the cop in Oswego City, abusing his powers to look up a druggie female and having sex with her? All he got was termination. Those are very serious crimes and ethics committed. So, criminals that did something similar are getting worse sentences then those in power? WOW


June 11/24





Today's Quote  June 7/24

 Young man, the secret of my success is that at early age I discovered that I was not God.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

ADAs and DWIs
The other ADA who got a DWI was Sarah Nickerbocker. She got a DWI in September of 2023 and Oswego hired her in October 2023 then In February 2023 she got another DWI.
What other drunks is DiMartino hiding on his staff? I am surprised he hasn't hired his good buddy Tony Pauldine. There must be some youth program he could be be in charge of.

June 7/24

Lmao Sal, Mr. Hollywood and Moody...we told you so. We definitely informed you Mr. Hollywood is a COKE head, for years, we have warned you. When will you in power learn to listen and pay attention. Sal, head locks a female, is tied to many he shouldn't be, lmfao you brought that sleeve back Moody..you will never learn to listen to the public, until karma exposes each and every one of you. You'll never listen. One down 2 more karma needs to slap. That moody get that dirt bag out of Oswego. That Barney character thank him for the drugs in that county. You want witnesses we can provide those too. What a joke OZ is.

June 7/24


Look at the cameras Rick see who is taking extra long dinner breaks and always late for work.momma works in hr can you figure it out?


June 7/24




Today's Quote  June 6/24

 Principles have no real force except when one is well-fed. Share this Quote
Mark Twain

Why is it some employees are late for work take over an hour for lunch and even leaves early and get paid for it?half asses the job even with a " supervisor "that is a joke.

June 6/24

Oswego County District Attorney .......... What A F**king Joke
He blew everyone in the Republican party to get the job and now he don't know what to do with it. The current murder trial being held in Pulaski is being prosecuted by Mark Moody. DiMartino had no one in his office qualified to prosecute the case so he had to hire Moody as a Special Prosecutor. What's more embarrassing is the loss of a second ADA this year due to a drunk driving arrest. Thomas Cristopher who was recently rehired by the DiMartino after a previous DWI a few years ago has been arrested again by State Police for DWI again.

June 6/24

Sal Lanza UFC contender
A court or a UFC ring? It appears that wherever Attorney Sal Lannza goes, he brings the circus with him. Rumor has it that on June 3, 2024 during Palermo Court, a fight broke out between two people and Attorney Lanza. According to Lanza's social media account (which has since been taken down), Mr. Lanza placed a female in a choke hold. The Oswego Co. Sheriff's Office responded and arrested two people while Lanza reportedly sought medical treatment. On June 4, 2024, Mr. Lanza was arrested for his involvement in the fight. I can't wait to see how this all plays out.

June 6/24

PSA for Boats
Inside the Harbor, or inside all breakwalls, the speed limit is no more than 4MPH. Outside thr breakwalls in open water open lake, free game.

Just got a ticket coming right into the light as, just getting inside breakwalls. Got a ticket for speeding....

So you're aware.

June 6/24



Port Authority
So I see that they have completed the new building. Looks good. About time. Bring on thr business.
Let the baby broadwells cry. Have another circle jerk cry session. Get ready, the road is about to be ripped up. LOL

June 6/24

Port Oswego
What do they do there?

Ya they bring in some international business and such. But what else?

Do they have police? Do they have security? Do they have fire patrol there? Boat patrol?

I never see any police or authority on water, boats and jetskis and fishermen flying through like a race track. Can't the Port Authority have a patrol boat and help? They are right f*cking there!!

By the way, what does the coast guard even do here? Legitimately. Like I never see them.

June 6/24




Today's Quote  June 3/24

 Victory belongs to the most persevering.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Re: Dorsey
It's hard to believe all they got him for was alcohol.

June 3/24

Keep going
What you are seeing taking place is Hatfield vs. McCoy family this goes deeper than you understand. If you dig deep, real deep, start connecting the families. You'll find those involved are direct descendents of these 2 families. Keep gathering information everyone. Keep pushing it, post it, spread it, cross reference obituaries. Keep going. Push and push do not give up.

June 3/24


The End?

Who would have thought I would have ever made to one hundred.

This morning Al Roker read my name on the today show. This afternoon there is a special party for me and all my old friends are invited.

Who would have thought? I don't think I look 100 and I certainly don't feel like it.

I must walk a little faster now, don't want to be late. Only two more blocks, yes there on the lawn at the south end of the park, oh what a magnificant white tent they have setup for the occasiion. At the enterance I am met by a young man in white robes. There is a bright white warming light coming from the other end of the tent. The young man becons me to come forward. Slowly we walk between two rows of empty tables. The table cloths are of the finest linnen and each place setting consists of a large crystal goblet, bone white china and utensils of the finest gold. As we near the end the light subsides and seated at the center of the head table sits an old man. He too is dressed in white robes. His face is slightly tanned and presents a subtle contrast to his pure white hair and long beard. Considering the surroundings he would have been rather unremarkable except for the a large white dove pearched on his shoulder.

Looking up he smiled and welcomed me saying, we have long awaited your arrival. Come sit here in the place of honor. He rose from the table and stood aside as I sat down. Now gesturing with his hand he drew my attention to a long narrow box. In it, he said was the answer to a question which I had often asked throughout my life. Tennatively I opened the box and in it was a parchment scroll. As I started to unroll it I looked up only to see the table where I sat had become a bench, the dove a pidgeon and my two hosts were homeless people.
In my hands I held a rolled up newspaper who's headline boldly read,
Greatings on your birthday, and by the way .............



Eaton Harlow

June 3/24

Plant corn get corn.
I remember old man Dorsey. He was drunk 24/7. His two sons were drunks before they got out of high school. The one kid drove a little red sports car. Where ever you saw it parked you could be sure he was not far away cheating on his wife. I remember back in the late seventies he was banging a waitress from the Captains lounge and one or two others at the same time. It's no wonder this kid turned out the way he did.


June 3/24



Today's Quote  June 2/24


If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
Henry David Thoreau

Lies, all lies
The D&W store cash register was broken. Has it ever occurred to anyone that Pos (point of sale) cash registers did not come out until the early 90s, by the looks of the Duells register in 94, an infinty cash register is early 80s, which does not have a memory base, unless directly connected to a home computer system, which would store all the stores information. Hell back then floppy disks were just coming out. I'm certain if Hilton did his job he'd find out that cash register couldn't keep the time straight, let alone print any receipt from 4 months back, unless a computer was connected near by. Mrs. Duell why not explain to the public how you accessed a register four months back with no data base implemented in it's system. Must be another manna from Heaven. I mean hell, your alarm was broken, clocks broken, cash register broken. Let me guess the computer linked to your cash register worked. Thats right there was no computer any where near that register. You manually printed that receipt. You should be charged with falsifying information. It really explains why your file was the only one tampered with. Want to bet, I'm certain the instruction book for that cash register will prove you a liar and a direct part of the problem. Which in fact proves the sheriffs do NOT know the time line, chain of events and it means anyone could have taken Allen. But to go to that extent tells me as a person, you Mrs. Duell, you and your husband had a lot to hide. And both should be requestioned and immediately charged. IBM was the first register to do POS, and retain info. That's not what they system is. Would you like Mrs. Duell for sheriff Hilton to contact Infinity and actually do his job. It's not difficult finding the owners manual on that cash register. You lady are a bold faced liar.

June 2/24

N. Grid:
Now national GREED wants a 20 something % raise, there is just no more to give !!!! The grocery stores are already stealing from us just to eat , and now N G wants more . They already have that ridiculous SERVICE OR DELIVERY CHARGE that is crazy if you try and conserve the DELIVERY charge goes up , everyone has to write or call your State and Federal Reps about this scam as they just got a raise a little while ago, when you see them working ONE is WORKING and FIVE are just standing there .

June 2/24

Alpha and Omega
My path Is clear it leads straight to you man in the woods.I will not give until you are in federal prison. Those you've harmed deserve justice. I have the rest of my life to succeed, I will succeed because those who walk alone have the strongest wings. Many who are fighting alone, are clearing the way straight to you. I promise you its not done until we succeed. The pain you've caused has made thousands stand up. "RICO" which could bring the federal death penalty. I'm gonna push until you are where you belong on your knees, in cuffs and in federal custody. Everything you own seized, sold and given to the victims families. Do you see the shadows moving? Look closer, they are there and many more are coming, because in the end, God's going to cut you down. This is the Alpha and Omega!!! Us Marshals have been notified, Washington FBI notified, many more notified. Let's see if we can get those shadows to dance. https://youtu.be/eJlN9jdQFSc?si=wtmHAeO5Y2gOlrWp

June 2/24

https://youtu.be/KbuBdSW0wQ4?si=YdoOA_tmwf76hjeC Hey DB, I'm not sorry for accusing you. Not at all. Seems as the years pass, I'm not the only one who knows who you are. Ever heard of satellites, think hard DB, I know it's difficult lol I want you to know. I knew a few in your sheep farm photos, we have a long, long talk. I sent about 6 hrs of audio to Albany just for you, all about you. But satellites think about the power one with military capability can do. You think it's impossible? Ask half your brothers who are former military the power the United States military technology. Then think long and hard when I poked you in the chest what I promised you. I'm keeping my promise.

June 2/24

Speed radar
how many more car accidents need to happen before the police chief finally wakes up and realizes his crew are incompetent, overpaid lazy bums who are more worried about cheating on there wives than the pedestrians of the city

June 2/24

Bohrer you knew who the vechios were. You lied during testimony. How do you know who they are? Fabian Russell in 1994 part owner of the East Coast Resorts is Married to Shawn Gates Russell, Shawn is the cousin to Darren Vechio. Shawn is a year or two older than her cousin Darren. Gates family is married in to Wallis family, to George Wallis as well, who's George Wallis the man Bohrer bought a trailer from so he could spy on Gary Thibodeau and testified to in court it. So are you claiming you Bohrer were unaware of Fabian Russell wife, her relatives that lived on Rice Road?? Unaware of the very cabin these kids partied at in the 90s. Highly doubt it. Seeing as you ans wescott teamed up as a couple and went to the owner of the lot the cabin sat in trying to buy it. You knew all along. You can recall all of your workers, dates, the fact the time lines off by 20 minutes. But you can't recall Fabian Russell's wife? Everyone google Fabian Russell and his sons stabbing to his ex wife during a time his ex wife was fighting in their divorce.


June 2/24




Today's Quote  March 21/24

 Through the ages, from the beginning of time,

I'm certain man has covered woman's face with masks.

They are, however, his masks, not hers.
Federico Fellini

The real Heidi Allen van. Owned by Clark Hamilton Sr. You were warned Wescott. The public is not only pushing with facts, they want you all in prison. There's only so much you can do before God starts to stand up. Boys are gone now, but you aren't. What you did to the Thibodeaus is coming back full force. Best thing for all of you federal prison. We haven't forgotten about any of you. We won't until justice comes to serve you on a silver set of cuffs.

March 21/23



Today's Quote  March 14/24

 The sinews of war are infinite money.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Mike Dehm
Dehmer has been bouncing around from job to job in his retirement. One place he landed was the City School District. Somehow I can't picture him as substitute a teacher and it didn't last long. One day at Leighton school he and the principal Kara Shore took one of the unruly sixth graders out of class into another room where the proceeded to beat the crap out of the kid. There was a lawsuit and next thing Dehmer and Shore were no longer working for the district.

March 14/24

Jim Losurdo
Everyone is so baffled by Drew pelkey - which is Jim Losurdo’s of scriba NY’s child - as he is a criminal, but Jim has denied him and his wife Sandy went along with denying the child. As he stands proud of his other kids! They should both be ashamed of themselves - Jim you scumbag !!!!! How you sleep at night is beyond me - and your “wife” how she sleeps at night ?! Losers !
Poor Drew!

Feb 11/24

Corrupt City
How is it that this small city has so much corruption? Whether it be the former police chief, fire chief, or mayor, this community has seen its fair share of corruption. Let's start to name those in public who arrogantly believe themselves exempt from the law. Whether police officers, parole officers, firefighters, district attorneys, or judges, no one is above the law! If you decide to drive under the influence, they should face the same consequences as any other citizen.


Feb 11/24




The OCTAgon??
Video of a sickening assault on a student by another student that occurred recently at OHS. Is this a learning-conducive environment? Heard both kids got punished for this when it should have only been the perp and the person doing the taping of what obviously was a planned event that the videographer knew was coming. The sucker-puncher turns and looks back at the camera before commencing what in the real world would be (or should be) felonious assault with that shot to the back of the unsuspecting victim's head. The perp only got a few days suspension when he should never be in that school again to commit more crimes such as that one. Slap on the hand! Yeah, he'll learn civility like that! He could have seriously injured that boy. Begs questions...where were the teachers?, the resource officer? I hear it's been an animal house in our local high school for a while now. Of what use is having police in there if they're not a deterrent to this kind of criminality? What are we paying some of the highest school taxes in the state and possibly the country for? Why was the victim punished for merely defending himself against this dirty coward? That school needs to be cleaned out if this is what goes on there. It needs to be rid of violent students such as that one that could ultimately cost taxpayers millions in lawsuits!
school assualt  

Jan 22-25

Re: Audio / Oswego Itself
Let's hear the audio. Drop it. We all want to hear it. There is a lot of "backdoor" deals and "handshakes" here in this corrupt county and cities and towns. Whatever happen to upholding the law and order, and having morals?

Oswego County is splitting at the seams its feels like. Everything here is just going down the crap shoot and the prices of it all keep going up?! Like wow.

County legislators get another raise. City workers got that 3%. County employees got a partial raise. What about the Port employees and us longshoreman!!

Has anyone drop the ball to the state with all the stuff going on here?


Jan. 1-5

How funny it is that when you post factual information Murtagh family starts to follow you. Then here comes the van owner. The safety of citizens is important but the county seems to allow these freaks to stay free. Stay safe everyone and monitor all following you Moxie is Murtagh sister.

Relax! California makes it ILLEGAL to ask or test job applicants for cannabis use

Jan. 1-5

Re: DB.
Seriously how in the f##k did the residents of New Haven let that scumbag become town supervisor? I mean just look at his rapsheet. He's a piece of shit and always has been. I would rather have pee wee hermon as town supervisor than that asshole.




Today's Quote  September 23-24/23

 Secrecy, once accepted, becomes an addiction.
Edward Teller

Doug Waterbury Arrested Again
He is still Harrassing his tennants. They should put that a$$hole wife of his in an adjioning cell.





Sept. 23-24



Today's Quote  September 20-21/23

 Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities.
Frank Lloyd Wright





Minetto school teacher Amanda Dedeo was back in court after violating the terms of her release after her drunk driving arrest a year ago. Dedeo served six weekends in the county jail after which she was given a conditional license and had an interlock system installed in her car. The interlock system requires a driver to complete a breathalyzer test before the ignition can be turned on and the vehicle driven. Dedeo failed the test numerous times.

Among the provisions of the three year probation she received Wednesday Dedeo must submit to alcohol testing when requested by a parole officer. She may not drive or apply for a license in New York or any other state for a period of eight months. After that she may apply for a license only with the permission of the court.


He probably went to the Ed Geers school of finance and wealth managment. The state comptroller had him dead to rights but he was going around telling all his friends he made a deal with the DA and it was all going to go away. I went to one or two court apperaances. Oaks dorpped the worst of the charges because he said they would be hard to prove. The Comptrollers office did all the investigative work all he had to do was push the papers through. Instead he let Smegelsky pay back part of the money and agreed to a little community service and get a slap on the hand. When they got in front of the judge Oaks denied there was any special deal to drop charges. When the judge did not want to let him off with no record Oaks argued harder than Smegelsky's own lawyer.



Re novelis
Hey Robb Crisafulli you might not want to copy what you post on Facebook and post it on here. It's nobody's fault you got terminated. You're just a waist of talent. It's gotta be something in the crisafulli bloodline. 

December 9-10/22

Mobile food trucks
I think it's great that these vehicles can bring food to people at a low price and have it be mobile and bring it here and there.
The only problem I see with these food trucks is,they dont have brick and mortar thus zilch taxes.The poor victims of high taxes and off season restaurants keeping the vigil day after day month after month
Paying either their taxes or rents puts a burdon on the operators thats very tough.So this writer believes the food trucks should either operate when the brick and mortars are closed on their off hours or not compete with the over burdoned propriertors operating year round!'
In other words "f#%€ the food trucks!

December 9-10/22

Re: Deputy Chief Smegelsky
Did the Oswego Police Chief have any input of Smegelsky’s promotion ? The Chief was a State Police Investigator at SP Fulton when Smegelsky was arrested. Shame on the system for not giving this thief jail time for stealing from the Minetto Fire Department.

December 9-10/22

Thieving Oswego Firemen
Anyone remember when Dowd got caught loading computers into his car at the east side fire station? One of his fellow firemen rated him out because he wasnt sharing the loot. It all got swept under the rug and a few years he was promoted and soon after that he was Deputy Chief.


December 9-10/22





Today's Quote December 8/22

 The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. 

Henry David Thoreau

Deputy Chief Smegelsky
I see the mayor has promoted Joe Smegelsky to the position of Deputy Chief of the Oswego Fire Department.
Was any background checking done before promoting?

Let's remember some of Chief Smegelsky's past
Minetto Fire Department Chief Arrested for Grand Larceny

DiNapoli: Audit Reveals Theft of Cash, Questionable Spending by Minetto Volunteer Fire Dept. Chief


More recently things seem to be still an issue



Does the new Deputy Chief get an Oswego FD credit card, if so I hope it is closely monitored.

Concerned taxpayers wanting to make sure our tax dollars are monitored.

December 8/22


F'ing Commericials
For some reason, I counted the commercials that we have to endure while watching TV. from 7:00 P.M.until 11:00 P.M. which, for me, is prime T.V. time. From 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM, I had to endure watching 225 commercials, in a 4 hour period. That works out to be 82,125 per year. That is just for 4 hours, and if you watch sports or spend more than 4 hours a day watching the tube, you can rack up over 125,000 to 150,000 commercials a year. Having our brains bombarded with this muh bullshit, it's no wonder there are so many mental problems in our society. I am also getting tired of hearing about new drugs that I should ask my doctor about. No wonder we also are over drugged as a nation. 

Anyway,  I just thought it was an interesting statistic. I have been muting them and sometimes put the TV on hold and then fast- forward through the commercials so I don't have to watch them. 

December 8/22

What a Joke!
Went to Dunkin Donuts today by campus. This is 10am. No food. No donuts. No nothing. Coffee only. What a joke. Shut that store down or, change management. 
What's going on at the port? Heard William Scriber is being investigated? Someone wanna call DoL? Heard the board is looking to replace him?
Heard far eas dunkin is closing down.

December 8/22

Giuliani testifies for 11 hours in ethics probe over false Trump election claims

with his law license on the line

December 8/22

WIN = Women In Novelis. Watch out
Just got terminated from Novelis. If someone would like to apply for a job there, you need to adhere to their qualifications 1. Have to be able to report to work either drunk or high. 2. Have the ability to be a thief. 3.Have to be able to sleep on the job. 4. Have the knowledge of how to drive a fork truck, crane, etc... while on a cell phone. Also, watch what ya say around management, because the confidentiality rule does not apply. Good luck. Oops, missed one... have to be able to lie if you are in a position of power. Am I bitter? Who wouldn't be. Hope so eone can meet these qualifications because people are leaving that joint all the time. There are probably more qualifications but can't think of them off the top of my head. Watch yet back. And whoever it may be, don't respond and waste your time. These are my cultural beliefs. One more thing. .. say what ya want but I am a great worker and a even greater person.



December 8/22



Today's Quote December 7/22

Leadership is influence.
John C. Maxwell

I called the office for the aging, about getting a smoke alarm and was given the FIRE DEPARTMENT phone number, and was told to call THE RED CROSS IN SYRACUSE, are you kidding me !!! But the COUNTY LEGISLATURE wants a 6% wage increase to do NOTHING , and your county TAXES will go up to pay these USELESS Dinasaurs , none of them have a clue. But they can put 2 MILLION INTO THE SOFTBALL PARKS, just LIKE BARLOW building all these parks and you never see any children at them. Again F--K the taxpayer , SO SICK OF WASTEFULL SPENDING. Thankyou Oswego Fire Dept.

December 7/22

Generational public tit sucker
Never did a day's work in his life! Political welfare.




December 7/22



Roofing Companies

Just wanted to ask if any of your readers have had experience good or bad with a company named Over The Top Roofing?

December 7/22

County pay raises
Give dss another raise just don't forget Jordan brooks and how the county paid 75,000 dollars to investigate dss. All the departments across the board need a pay raise. The useless dept that call themselves "legislators" on east second street need to wake up and to wake up fast if they want to be re-elected. It's that simple. You want to remain a so called legislator then do your part. There's a lot of workers across all departments that will petition heavily to oust you. We keep this county functioning while you sit on your asses and milk the tax payers. Hmmmm maybe we all should identify as a "legislator" so we can get a 6% raise.

December 7/22

The Diabolical Things Nazis Did During WW2


December 7/22



Today's Quote December 6/22

 Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.
Sigmund Freud

As i have mentioned many times , THE CITY OF OSWEGO< AND OSWEGO COUNTY ARE CORRUPT. YOU CAN DRIVE 50 or more on bridge st ,or 50 on EAST UTICA st.< you DONT HAVE TO STOP FOR STOP SIGNS, and never see a COP, also you hardly ever see SIGNAL LIGHTS . OSWEGO is lawless !!!!!!

December 6/22

Ed, thanks for writing the article today on the Constitution....it saved me the time of posting one just like ...Trump is a F*&king moron.

December 6/22

East 10th &Utica:
Another accident as nobody STOPS at the STOP signs, Police and Firetrucks leave and right back to NOBODY STOPS . Why doesnt OPD sit somewhere close and give out tickets, not out on the outskirts of the city sitting side by side .They have all these undercover vehicles USE THEM.

December 6/22

Pay Raises for DSS
On 15th December 2022 the Oswego County Legislature will be meeting to vote on giving DSS raises and themselves 6 percent raises while they ignore the plight of other county workers who are not making enough to support their families. Is this a joke? Why would DSS get rewarded when they have already been found at fault for the death of children? While other county workers get no consideration?

December 6/22

Anger as IRS reminds Americans to report Venmo and PayPal transactions over
Big brother f**ker


December 6/22

DSS Working from home
While waiting for the legislature to vote on pay increases for DSS caseworkers, keep in mind that the majority of caseworkers are "working" from home. Even after the deaths of children, they are allowed to work from home.


December 6/22




Today's Quote December 5/22

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character.

But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.
Norman Schwarzkopf

The Constitution
Why stop with just certain parts of the constitution. Why not suspend the entire document then we could declare martial law and begin summary executions. A good place to start would be Trump and his entire family. Then we could hunt down Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and all the rest of his Nazi followers.
Sounds like a plan!

December 5/22

Personnel Matter
Number 5 on December 5th Council Meeting Agenda. Let's see what happens to the intoxicated cop pulling a side arm off duty in a fight

December 5/22

Lindsey Graham Campaigning With Hershel Walker
You really gotta love that one. Fifty years ago Grahm and his buddies would have been burning a crosss on Walkers lawn and calling him an uppety Nigger. Now they are so close Grahm gives Walker an erection.

December 5/22

Port of authority
All you have to do is send in all your information to the attorney general’s office out of Syracuse they will investigate they have no ties to Oswego You can do it online or asked for the forms to be mailed to you good luck I hope you win

December 5/22




Today's Quote December 4/22

Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.

Crucify Him!
So now Orange Jeasus wants to terminate those parts of the constitution regarding elections so he can get a do over'. I say we do away with any laws that prevent honest tax paying Americans from nailing that worthless racists to a cross and then using him for target practice.
"Former President Trump called for the termination of the Constitution's rules regarding elections to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election following the release of more detailed information about Twitter's role in suppressing a story about Hunter Biden. "


December 4/22

Re: Re: the port and other things.
You are so right. Hilton is totally worthless. I've called so many times about the speeding cars on county rt 1 that it's sickening. It's like Nascar out here for real. And you never see any patrol cars ever. And then we have that shit hole old timers with the scum bag drug addicts that hang out in front of the place. Probably the source of the burglaries that have been going on. No liquor license yet they still serve it and sell cigarettes. Drive by on a Fri. Or sat. Night you'll see for yourself. Wonder who and how many are on the take for that. This county is so corrupt it's sickening. But on a brighter side ✨️ have a great Holiday everyone!

December 4/22

Despicable County Legislators
It seems to be that time of year to negotiate the union contracts. The legislature gives themselves a 6% raise while everyone around the county gets bent over. You people couldn't negotiate in good faith even if you knew how to spell it. Y'all are up for reelection. I think the county would have a lot more money if they got rid of some of you "legislators". Onondaga county has population of 470,000 some people and only 17 legislators. Oswego county has a population of 117,000+/- people with 25 legislators. What's the 8 legislators extra for? You including your sheep and cattle as part of the population you hillbilly dumbasses. District reps 1,2,4,10,11,12,19,22, After meeting some of you I've decided I am in favor of abortion in cases of incest. Thousands of workers around the US are going on strike, don't sit on your faces in your ivory tower on east second st and think to yourself it wouldn't happen in this county. Not only are you a hindrance to the community, you're a hindrance to every governmental agency under you. David Holst trim your beard you duster, look presentable if you're going to be in the eye of the public. I feel sorry for you because you are so homely, I feel even worse for other people because they have to look at you. I haven't forgotten you Frank Castiglia how's your twin doing on unemployment Kurt Ospelt. Brains aren't everything in fact, in your case they're nothing! But don't feel bad, just like your twin a lot of people have no talent! Oh my Marie Schadt. I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works, would you mind sharing what the trick is so I can invest. Oh while you're at it grasp your ears firmly and remove your head from your ass. Hello Richard Kline, I hear you were born on a farm. Any more in the litter?. I just wanted to say I like your approach, now let's see your departure. James karasek I would ask you how old you are but I know you can't count that high. In all honesty tho I'd like to see things from your point of view but I just can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.

December 4/22

RE Port extortion and corruption
William Scriber Has known about it and has done nothing about it. How can The Port of Authority let this happen to its community. If it wasn't for the permit summer help there would be no work. Why have a union that no one actually works at the port? Unions are for the people and is this case it's far from it. As the investigation continues, it's time to get a Director that will make changes and make the Port for the people of Oswego.


December 4/22





Today's Quote December 3/22

 Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.
Thomas Jefferson

Who is Quick Draw
I laughed when I read that. All I could think of was Reagan back in the seventies practicing his draw in the downtown store windows.


December 3/22

Trump ..... Lock him up!
Poor Orange Jeasus. The vultures are circling and he can't even get a favorable ruling from all those judges he appointed. His puppets in congress will kill any more congressional investigations but they won't stop the Justice Department or the New York courts. He is going down this time and the sharks are starting to smell the blood in the water. All they will need is one conviction against him and people will start coming out of the woodwork with new charges and lawsuits. He won't make it to 2024 on the outside of the bars.

December 3/22

Re: The Port and other things
That place has been run by the Hibbert family since forever. Good luck getting any help from Scriber. He sucked every pecker down there to get where he is and he won't risk that just for some summer help.

Hilton is about as usless as Scriber. He promised everything to everyone and now he is in he

is just as usless as Todd was. Give him another term and he will be just as fat as Moe to.


December 3/22




Today's Quote December 1/22

 O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Re Oswego Port authority, and Oswego ILA union
Prevailing Wage Fringe Benefits

The Prevailing Wage Rate has 2 parts:

 Basic Rate is the money that must be paid to the employee by the employer.
 Fringe Benefits are the combination of benefits such as Health Care, Vacation, Pension and Training provided by the employer to the employee.

For Fringe Benefits, the employer can either:

Provide fringe benefits directly to the employee
Pay the employee the cash equivalent of the fringe benefits

If the employer does not provide fringe benefits or the cash equivalent, the employee may have a claim for non-payment of the proper prevailing wage.

This is no joke!!!! Permit worker? You're owed thousands of dollars....please contact the Director and union president as they have known about what going on. It's time people stand up for yourself and your families. 

William Scriber
Executive Director

(o) 315.343.4503, ext. 109
(c) 315.963.9015
Fringe Benefits Fraud

It is common for employers to tell employees that they are receiving benefits but never actually deliver these benefits to the employee. Often pension funds are shorted or not paid, vacation is not provided, and the employer charges the employee for health care that should be provided as part of the Total Hourly compensation. If this is happening to you, you may be a victim of Fringe Benefit Fraud.

If an employer does not fully compensate workers for their fringe benefits as defined by the prevailing wage determinations, the employer is in violation of prevailing wage law.


December 1/22

The Volunteer Transportation Center, Inc. (VTC)

December 1/22

Hilton you shouldn't speak about corruption. It's blatantly obvious the sheriff dept., The good ol boys. The drug drops, missing Allen, falsely incarcerated Gary Thibodeau, the lying DA office, the continued shootings, the illegal acts done by those in power in OZ are as equally if not worse, as far as corruption. You have resolved nothing in OZ. You have a murderer sitting in prison that's killed more than he's doing time for. You have another murderer running loose and God knows where he's vanished to. You have a third jail bird running between counties who's also a kidnapper and a murderer roaming free. You also have a district attorney's office that covered up the crime, along with a slew of officers that should be doing time that Thibodeau did for them. You have an idiot sitting on a board, that is filled with Allen family members, that should have been incarcerated many years back. You also have a bunch of drunks and druggies in higher power. Hit and run ADA the coke head himself. Mr. Hollywood..in fact he's still practicing law. Sickening.. Yet...nothing has been done. Oz is far more corrupt than any surrounding counties. In turn Boher quoting Ted Bundy is a total sham, out right slap to the depts apparent intelligence, not even the district attorney was smart enough to catch on. The three amigos in crime, make you all, in power, look like a bunch of fools, corrupt and cold to the core. You have no accountability and zero integrity. I once gave you tons of credit. Thought maybe this man will change it all. That savior on a white horse, the hero. All you've done is 0. You've accomplished nothing. But allowed it all to continue. Those in power are the very reason Oswego is the land of OZ. Merry Christmas to all you corrupt officials. May the next twenty months bring you all down by higher authority. Bohrer was far smarter than any one of you officers. You had caught yourself a serial killer, stalker, pedo, he out witted every single one of you. You tell us now who's more corrupt. Oswego or the surrounding counties? Bohrer made you look like the lying fools he said you were. When you have more questions than you do answers, your problems from within. It's OBVIOUS. If Jefferson is so corrupt ask yourself Hilton why the hell ding a ling king ever sat on any stand in Oswego county. Think about that for one moment. Apple doesn't fall far from any tree. Because you are all corrupt. God granted some day there will be accountability and honesty given to the families, the victims, the community that's fighting so hard to bring it all to head. Clocks ticking, the truth will someday finally prevail. In all honesty Hilton it's been a huge disappointment watching you even befriend that little pecker head up there is the DA office. You let them fool you. Don't worry they fool everyone. It just shows your lack of integrity. He's about the biggest failure in Oswego county. Along with the ex biker president sitting on your town board. Eventually atleast one of the two will be heading to federal prison. In time..all bad things some day come to an end. 

December 1/22

Year round Joy

Oz is full of corrupt things
That make you sparkle, gleam and glow,
The corruption and their pleasures dazzle us,
And yet, deep down, we know...
How corrupt and low they'll go...
Oz has its special gifts,
But our year-round joy depends
On the cherished people in our lives,
And a DA who's lies never end. 
That's the joy you get from Oz..
The corruption never ends..
The only snow that matters to them
Is the one that goes up your nose. 
Ask the ADA who hit and run
About his business on Albion. 
Oz is full of many things that sparkle and make you glow he is one who knows.


December 1/22





Today's Quote November 27-28/22

 The great advantage about telling the truth is that nobody ever believes it.
Dorothy L. Sayers

Re: Port corruption and ILA
All permit workers need to contact local and federal DOL as stealing benefits is a federal issue. Sounds like this has been a known fact for awhile and no one wants to stand up for themselves or they are told lies that the union is entitled to your money. As a permit worker you do pay local dues. You get your whole package as you don’t have access to your fringe benefits. All info is on the federal and state DOL websites.

November 27-28/22

Quick Draw G-Man
OCP pulls side arm intoxicated and off duty at Ally Cats. What say you William who had a few drinks there that night after the wonderful Christmas Tree Lighting.


November 27-28/22




Today's Quote November 25-26/22

 Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die.
Salvador Dali

Trump Organization's outside accountant testifies he 'would have had a heart attack'

if he'd seen the 'secret' Christmas bonus lists .

November 25-26/22

Here we go again at 11:00 am on thanksgiving , we have another ACCIDENT as nobody STOPS AT STOP signs. Yet we have a USELESS TRAFFIC light at WEST 1st AND ERIE ST. It would be nice if our alderman would do his job and investigate this , but he (WALKER) doesn't care apparently, i just hope that someone doesn"t LOSE THEIR LIFE AT this intersection. Put that 30mph sign on UTICA st. NO but we put it on east 12th, east albany st etc . What a JOKE .

November 25-26/22

Re: Port and Oswego ILA
Correct. I have two distant cousins that worked there over the years and summers as well and this summer we had. They are paying union dues but are not in the union. Well over 100hrs and not union members. Someone needs to call the State Dept. Of Labor and inform them. If not. I will. Definitely fishy business. If there is a state law or regulation regarding such then they need to take them on as union members. 

ILA has had some troubles over the years there from what I heard and someone from the Port itself is putting their hands in the pot and stealing. Just saying.

Heard Shawn was down there "helping". Billy is hiding. Corruption is corruption and no one is doing anything about it. "Gotta help us boys out and take care of the boys..." F that. Help out the people that are looking for work too and the citizens. Same with the Port, Unions, and City!!!

T.K.J.J :-:

November 25-26/22


Today's Quote November 24/22

 Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare.

They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes.

This is not coincidence.
Erma Bombeck

Oswego Port authority, and Oswego’s ILA
I was a permit, worker this summer at the port authority for the ILA at the Oswego Port authority, working on aluminum and the windmill blades to find out if the ILA in the port authority knowingly has been extorting all permit workers fringe benefits for their own benefits into a slush fund. Port authority has known about this, and has done nothing about it. The ILA does not follow any rules of any other ILA union. Any permit worker that works over 30 days by law should be allowed in the union, but that oswego ILA Blocks them

November 24/22

to the person complaining about the plowing. sounds like you don't do anything either but just sit behind a keyboard bitch bitch bitch. and you probably don't even pay taxes. 


November 24/22





Today's Quote November 22-23/22

 Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
Mahatma Gandhi

$117.00 less a month
"This Republican Social Security COLA Change Would Slash Benefits by $117 Per Month"



November 22-23/22

Mike Myers
To the tenants in willians park Mike Myers is not a retired COP first he work at the Oswego Collage as a clearer what a joke that was he hid more than he worked then he was a guard at Oswego County Jail that’s where he retired from also he was at one Tim a Alderman he suck at that job, He idea that he’s better he’s nobody I remember him as kid just people  because people in a trailer there not trailer trash you were not great growing up you live in small house on East Fourth St just of East Seneca St what hell did they hired him for they must been hard he knows nothing he’ll just sit FAT Ass and collect a pay check don’t be afraid of him he’s a nobody he thinks he has all the answer! He grew up on East sid

November 22-23/22

The reason nothing is getting done, no salt , minimal plowing ( only where their family or friends live) is a big JOKE, Just think about it , in the county WALKER has done nothing but get bigger in years, and who ever runs the city DOESN"T have a clue so this is what you get for your tax dollar NOTHING !!!!


November 22-23/22





Today's Quote November 20-21/22

 Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.

 Leo Buscaglia

This Republican Social Security COLA Change Would Slash Benefits by $117 Per Month

November 21/22

High Dam
You are not correct regarding the High Dam. The footing at the dam was in fact stabilized and anchored to the river bed, and the hydro generators were rebuilt. Yes, that was done about 15-20 years ago and it might be time for a maintenance overhaul now. 

November 21/22


Speaking up
Frank Castiglia would like the public to appear at the meeting to speak up; on our thoughts of the legislature giving themselves raises. 

The public hearing will be at 2pm on December 15th in the Legislative Chambers of the Oswego County Building in Oswego New York.

Please come on that day and voice your feelings.

November 21/22

Bankrupt city
Reform it
One government school and city
This ever increasing expense to maintain is not long term survivable
The last honest politician that wasnt a moron was in the 1970's
It is time for change reimagine the city with honest intelligent management
Not dasterdly rotten managers

November 21/22

Reply to a lot
Mike Pence and Trump: I hope no one is voting for them. They are done. Republican party is washy on them besides the few that live, breath and die "Trump". Voting for either of them is like voting for your own death sentence. Trump should be locked up, or he should be removed from any political power. Someone from the DoJ needs to make a formal announcement and say, "Trump cannot be trusted, whatever he says do not take as a serious comment or statement from him" or something along those lines. That'll hurt more

First Snow: Yes. Correct. We know the weather but people are still people thinking they can fly through town and highways. I will say though, the towns, cities and County Highway knew it was coming and no one was out plowing or salting, if it was, it was the minimal.

West-side McDonalds: What a total crock of $hit. That place needs total overhaul. What a joke. Went there the other day with two friends, inside. Got pancakes and hashbrowns. Pancakes were hard and hashbrowns were hard. Had to go back up twice and get new ones. Second time I was just given my money back and told sorry. So ended up not eating there and had to go to Dunkin by subway. Waited almost 20 mins in the drive thru cause their lobby is STILL CLOSED!!!! WHAT A JOKE.

T.K.J.J :-:

November 21/22

South Dakota Republican Charged With Rape After Losing Election to His Mom

November 21/22

Pence calls appointment of special counsel to investigate Trump 'very troubling'


November 21/22






Today's Quote November 18/22


The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed

(and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,

all of them imaginary.

H. L. Mencken

January 6 Committee
I hope they find that Trumps ugly ass wife was involved with his attempted coup. I would like nothing more than to see that Eurotrash deported deported.

November 18/22

Open Letter to the City of Oswego and School Distract
Snow is now here. We knew this was coming, Buffalo is in a State of Emergency. They are handling it the best they can and they are making it work. We, Oswego, on the other hand, are not.

This morning 11/17/22, at around 9am, NOTHING WAS PLOWED OR SALTED! We knew the weather was coming, at least a few inches, but we were not prepared still... Its not that hard. But we allowed it to be hard for no reason. We need to be better prepared for this. Hire more workers, tell people/workers what is expected. If we know snow is flying at 6am or should be. We should have a plow truck driver or two ready on standby at 4 or 5am...

The Hydro-Dam that we have. WE need to utilize it and repair it to near 80% capacity. This is going to help lower bills for Oswego Residents. Lets get it up and running. Lets fix it.

The School District. I hate to say this, but, I feel like these kids are not learning. Between snow-day today, kids being in and out of school. Not enough teachers, not enough bus drivers, and so on, these kids are learning from what we are dealing with and they will expect that to be a normal in life. Its not. We need to focus on the basics. Gets these kids into class and learn. Hire more bus drivers. Hire more bus aides. We build this new "stadium" and we have utilized it somewhat but not to its full potential. We wasted A LOT of tax payer money on this and other frivolous material we may not need. Now you are asking for more money through tax increases. We are already struggling and expecting more.

This nation is close to going into a recession again and here we all are asking the tax payers to pay more. We cannot give more. We need better budgeting. Slim back on things we DO NOT NEED. Like buying new buses every single year. Giving pay raises every 6 months to every year. Updating desks and chairs every year. Slim back.

Same with the City of Oswego. Don't buy a new truck every year. No pay raises every 6 months to a year. Why do we need 4 Parking enforcement officers. Why do we need 6 code enforcement officers (which by the way, I been told 2 quit). Slim back a little bit on things we do not need, and re-evaluate positions we may not need either.

With all that being said. Re-evaluate our needs and our wants. We have to do better. We have to think of better things to do and make. Taxes cannot keep going up. You cannot expect more from tax payers.

T.K.J.J :-:

November 18/22

Re: Trump
I would much prefer to see him penniless and die a slow lingering death in a publically financed nursing facility.

November 18/22


Sparkey McGrath

No he shouldn't have had anything to do with the dam. Somehow he got into the trolly that runs along the top of the intake to the powerhouse and decided he was going to pull some drift wood out of the water. Instead he latched onto the grate that catches the wood and mangled it all to hell. The taxpayers got the bill for fixing it. That dam is about a hundred years old and the city politicians have never had a plan to maintain it.


November 18/22


Mike Pence

Trump tried to get his mob to kill him off and he is still Trumps little bitch.


November 18/22




Today's Quote November 17/22

A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.
William Blake

Mike Pence Town Hall Meeting On CNN
What a friggin joke. Every time he was asked a question he had to pause and wait for someone to give him the answer through the chip implanted in his empty head. If I had to listen to him tell about his faith and religious beliefs again I would surely become violently ill. Like every other born again conservative he subscribes to the belief that The End Justifies The Means. He had no problem justifying Trumps attempts to undermine a fair election or overthrow the government until Trump's Nazis started storming the capitol and calling for him to be hung. Then the gutless little puke got angry.

Just like the teachings in the born again handbook otherwise known as the Bible, the premises that the end justifies the means is often twisted and turned round to suit the propose of individuals or the needy and ill educated masses. In it's simplest form this philosophy could be explained as:


If the end result of ones actions or a series of events can be considered to benefit the majority or be for the greater good, then the actions or events themselves no matter how evil or corrupt are considered justifiable.

Applying this reasoning to the events of today it would be hard if not impossible to justify hanging Mike Pence as his death would be about a consequential as if you went out of your way to step on a bug while walking down the sidewalk. On the other hand consider Donald Trump. His lies and actions or lack thereof resulted in hundreds of thousands of Americans dying from Covid 19. His self-serving actions and incompetence in office have endangered the whole world. His constant inciting of his radical militant followers has become a real and present danger to anyone who opposes him. Therefore his death by any means what so ever would be for the greater good and therefore be justifiable.


Do not expect someone to go out and assonate him tomorrow because the kind of crazies who go around killing school children and public officials are the very people who are his biggest supporters.

November 17/22

High dam
Leotta was involved no doubt in many crooked bids and overlooked horrendous installations of capitital projects
Brookfield in last several decades seemed to have maintainance contract for high dam
Mcgrath was a cler of the works and had nothing to do with high dam and its operation
Leotta definately in bed with criminals that should be in jail
What administration in memory tried to do the right thing? Lazarek maybe

November 17/22

First snow
Here we are again. The first snow and people are in ditches, hitting telephone poles, other cars, etc. Are you all new to this area? Maybe it’s texting and driving in snow that’s the problem. Maybe it’s the 90mph in a 55 or lower. Whatever it is, go away. There is enough stupidity on the roads all ready. If you should drive and hit that pole, I hope it gets shoved up your ass so far it ends where your brain should have been


November 17/22




Today's Quote November 16/22

 Anybody can kill anybody.
Lynette Fromme

And The Dems Lose Another One In The 22 District
As if Dana balter wasn't a big enough embarrasment, TWICE, the Dems blow yet another congressiional electiion in Central New York that shouild have been a slam dunk. Brandon Williams, a Texas redneck and Trump supporter moves to New York and decides to grow mushrooms in Cayuga County. Then he decides to run for congress in a district where he isn't even a resident. The local republicans and outgoing congressman don't want anything to do with him but he still wins the Republican Primary and goes on to beat the hometown Democratic candidate in his own back yard. Now Williams has until January 3rd to find an appartment across the congressional district line and claim it as his official residence.

You don't have to rig elections in New York. You just have to use the already bleeding heart liberal elections laws to your advantage.

November 16/22

Re: Hydro dam
Like everything else in Oswego it has been neglected and mismanaged for years. When you have the likes of Tony Leota and Robert Mcgrath incharge what did you expect. Everything those two touched turned to shit.


November 16/22



Today's Quote November 9-14/22

  A man can fail many times,

but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.

John Burroughs


November 9-14/22

Georgia Run-off Election
GeorgiaSenate Election
It is not surprising that the people of Georgia would rather have a Neanderthal driving the train (Hershel Walker) rather than having an Engineer driving it! (Raphael Warnock). But then again, it is Georgia after all.

November 9-14/22

Hydro-dam and Oswego
What's going on with this? Is Oswego keeping it, going to make the repairs and utilize it for its citizens and help the city and county? It's a unique position not many cities have in this country.

Oswego, still seeing a lot of druggies and homeless around here. What are we doing?

Heard the city is in the hot seat right with the state. Odd.

T.K.J.J :-:

November 9-14/22

British man being deported over late post-Brexit paperwork
The EU(4th reich)
And Biden is their whore


November 9-14/22

‘This industry will stop at nothing’: big soda’s fight to ban taxes on sugary drinks | Food and drink
Sugar:worse drug than heroin!

November 9-14/22





Today's Quote November 6-8/22


Bad officials are the ones elected by good citizens who do not vote.
George Jean Nathan

Using county property for political purposes is illegal!


November 6-8/22

So it appears that THERE IS NOT ONE SHERIFF WITH A SET OF BALLS TO RUN AGAINST this trumper, so sad and as ive said before A LAWLESS COUNTY AND CITY.

November 6-8/22

Apparently, building permits are no longer required in the city of Oswego. What is good for one is good for all!


November 6-8/22





Today's Quote November 5/22

 Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.
Steve Jobs

Don Hilton Should Shut his F'ing Mouth
Don Hilton, our jerk sheriff, has recorded a message and is sending out to people in the county telling them about the corruption in Albany under Hockel, and he is supporting, Republican, (Trump supporter), Lee Zeldin. If he wants to talk about corruption, he only has to look at the sheriff's Department in Oswego County. Hilton is a joke and as you well remember, he was using an Oswego County Boat to advertise for F*$k head Trump during the last Presidential Election, which was illegal. Using county property for political purposes is illegal! Hilton should have been removed from office for that obvious violation of the law.
Somehow, this asshole is running for re-election for Sheriff, unopposed! He is up to his usual Republican belief that he can do anything he wants to politically, and he needs to be called out by the Republican Legislature ( I say this as a joke as the Republican corrupt legislature is too spineless to do so)

If you think corruption is bad in Albany now, it will be a thousand times worse under Zeldin. Vote for Hockel!!!


November 5/22





Today's Quote November 4/22

 If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far awayQuote Henry David Thoreau

Dunkin west side -forks of the road
The owner of Dunkin Donuts has to be a blind idiot.He needs a management overhaul at this place.Worst Dunkin I ever was in.I stopped there coming into the city for a couple weeks and will never go back.Workers leave to go pick up the managers and I overheard they leave to take them home.I moved on from this joke place.

November 4/22

Re: what happened to kells
This is the latest I could find on it if this helps.

November 4/22

Re: Carney VS Thompson
There are plenty of people who get charged with DWIs and plenty of those people get it reduced or don't get in trouble at all. Some with and without causing injuries or accidents. Many more people are in danger if someone is driving under the influence. Most in which have witnesses. This case there seems to be none. Give me a break.Saudi Arabia puts US forces on high alert over Iran threatening 'imminent attack'
These f**kers gave us the cold shoulder when we asked him to drop the price of oil and produce more now we're going to go to war with them which no doubt is choreographed by China Russia Iran alliance all created by the fourth Reich and fucking our grand children out of their rightful inheritance of a good country it's time to rethink world alliances

November 4/22




Today's Quote November 2-3/22


Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers

What happened to Kells
So Barlows ex best friend sold his house and moved to Florida.
Its a year since he sucker punched that punk kid but i don't recall anyone saying if he finally went to court.

November 2-3/22

Everyone should get out and vote, because if things change 1) Women will have no more rights, 2) Now they are going after who goes to college, jobs, and everyother right we have had for years, it is very serious and everyone should ask themselves WHERE WILL I BE , and how will this affect me and my family. As it is now you have NO ONE TO PICK OUR CROPS, because of crazy immigration ,that along with PRICE GOUGING at these stores , it will just get worse. OPEN YOUR EYES !!!!

November 2-3/22

Saudi Arabia puts US forces on high alert over Iran threatening 'imminent attack'
These f**kers gave us the cold shoulder when we asked him to drop the price of oil and produce more now we're going to go to war with them which no doubt is choreographed by China Russia Iran alliance all created by the fourth Reich and fucking our grand children out of their rightful inheritance of a good country it's time to rethink world alliances



November 2-3/22

Which will cum first?
A guy named Bubba will start making visits to Travis' cell.
A guy named Jodi will start making visits to Travis' bed in Oswego.


November 2-3/22




Today's Quote November 1/22

 Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense.

Gertrude Stein


Re: Thompsons
Grammar and legal advise, who is writing all the posts defending this guy who assualted the cop? I was just starting to think it was a lawyer but now it sounds more like his great grandmother who used to work for the Pall Times.

November 1/22

Times are changing people and we are failing to keep up with it. Let's get on the same page, same issues and same agenda. Things need to change. Make your voices heard.

What's going on with Doug Waterbury? Whats the scoop on him? We talk about him here and there and *poof* we don't hear anymore. Did he get more charges? US Court involved? Anything?

What's going on with Shawn and Billy? Heard they are hiding from media again. Odd...

Lee, is he getting bigger? Heard he cant get in and out of a vehicle. Wow. Sad.

Matt and Avery, whats going on there? Heard they are in on some projects together. Odd.

Pauldine. Whats happening with everything? Still buying a lot of property at cheap. How?

Remember people GO VOTE!

T.K.J.J :-:

November 1/22

New tech jobs for oz ? I don't think so.
The new Micron Plant being bragged about by Oswego County politicians is not going to be a big help to the local labor force. Sure there will be some construction jobs until it is built but then what? You can only need so many custodial employees and that is all Our local labor force is qualified for.

November 1/22

Re: Carney vs. Thompson
This whole premise that there should be leniency due to the fact he was so intoxicated is absurd. With that reasoning, no one should get a DWI since they were under the influence and not in full command of their faculties. Give me a break.

November 1/22

Re: Carney VS Thompson
I agree completely. There are too many unanswered questions about what really happened. All we've had is the Carney version. I heard a lot of police officers went to court when Thompson was sentenced. What I'd like to know is were they off duty and in civilian clothes or were they in uniform (intimidation tactic) and on the taxpayers' dime? Maybe the Carneys don't realize that Chris Carney's Facebook post turned off many people in the community. And she wasn't truthful about some things. She lied about the case being dropped. Why did she feel the need to lie? To rally people around her? The Carneys like to write so why not explain what "Carney Justice" is because it sure sounds like a threat. The Carneys credibility was shot when Chris Carney made her long post on Facebook, leaving more questions than answers. Why, if Officer Carney was in such pain and distress, was he seen out and about? One would think someone suffering that much wouldn't feel like shopping. And I agree with the others who wrote and questioned why the Sheriff is allowing Carney to carry a gun and drive a patrol car. There's definitely missing pieces to this puzzle.


November 1/22




Today's Quote October 31/22

 Not everyone grows to be old, but everyone has been younger than he is now.
Evelyn Waugh

Re: Thompson
Know the Thompson's well enough to know that they have zero interest in suing anyone. They are not those type of peopIe. Think what post was saying, the post days ago, was that the DA or ADA should sue Carneys wife for her slander and deformation towards them directly. Thompsons are way more focused on their children's well being at this point and hoping they don't end up in mental health or lose everything because that's where this all seems to be heading.

October 31/22

China braces for wave of workers fleeing iPhone factory in Covid-hit Zhengzhou

October 31/22

Carney VS Thompson
Carney VS Thompson I know both families. What happened was a tragedy for everyone involved. Carney did suffer a lot from his injury and that is awful. With that yes, Thompson should be punished. I think the problem people have with this all is that yes, Thompson was so drunk he was urinating on himself as well as vomiting. Also I believe it is correct that there were no witnesses to the actual assault itself. Clearly Thompson did punch him because of the injury but the intent part doesn't seem suitable. So I guess the question is what really happened? Of course everyone will believe Carney because he is a Sherriff however Carney has been caught lying before. Seems like there is a lot of covering up going on behind the scenes here. I don't think anyone is really blaming Carney for what happened. Merely just trying to figure out Thompsons side maybe? Only hear Carneys side naturally because he is a Sherriff. This just proves how corrupt the county is. In my opinion people who post about a situation publicly before story gets out have something to hide. People who stay silent have a lot of truths to tell. Seems very suspicious. I agree with the fact that people do and have done much worse and do not see that amount of time. That is clear on a regular basis. I get that it was an officer of the law and he should be punished but does the actual "crime" deserve that much time? Some say yes, some say no. I say yes IF... Thompson had a record and was sober. In this case I have to say no... due to the fact that he was under such great influence of alcohol and clearly had no idea what he was doing in that moment. The whole order of protection thing I don't understand. Why didn't Thompson and his family get an order of protection from Carneys family? A Sherriffs family was posting threats on social media. That shows the corruption right there. I have always liked Carney and have never had a problem with Thompson. Both seem like hard workers and family men. Definitely a tough situation for all involved. Especially with Thompson having kids, young ones I believe too. Maybe the county should be focused more on people who really deserve to be in jail like all these drugs dealers around here, who get nothing and kill people regularly. I bet that if one of those drug dealers killed any law enforcement's child or family member, with their drugs, they would never be getting out! If trying to set an example for the community what example are you trying to set? Don't want to hear the famous "you do the crime you do the time" either. That would work if it was fair for all. In this county it isn't. There are plenty of people who do worse "crimes" and don't even see any "time". Kind of funny too that people believe everyone posting on here is Thompsons family. Believe it or not there are plenty of people in this community with no relation that have lots to say. Just because you wear a badge doesn't mean people have to or do agree with you.


October 31/22





Today's Quote October 29/22

 I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep;

I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
Alexander the Great

Re: Thompson Family
Someone needs to explain spelling rules to you. You wrote:
Some one (Someone is one word) neede (needs not neede) to explain defamination (defamation) and liable (libel) to the Thompson family. They are forever threatening lawsuits that never materialise. (materialize) Like most of there (their) posts on this site (comma goes here) they are of little substance and laughable at best. So tell us, who you calling laughable? And as an FYI, a person has three years to sue for defamation and libel. There's no rush.

October 29/22

Politics, Voting and Civics
Voting is a civic duty. You should vote if you can. I don't care who you vote for, GO VOTE. This is what helps our country, state, county and local towns and cities. We, and I mean everyone, we love to complain and moan about issues, but some, if not most, refuse to vote. I understand that. If you don't like it, go run for that position yourself and try and make the difference. If not, don't complain about it, GO VOTE.

Yesterday the President was in Upstate and was in Syracuse for around 5hrs. That's amazing. We are going to get Micron, which is a chip manufacturing plant, WHICH IS AMAZING. It'll help state economy, local and regional and such. More jobs in the USA. State Senator Mannion and State Judge were at Vonas talking about plans for the state and such! WHICH IS AMAZING. I hope they do make the difference and help out.

Let's start worrying about ourselves a little bit. Don't worry about what someone thinks of another person, and the gossip and drama with it all. Help build this city, county and state, even the USA into a better tomorrow. Things are going to change, or someone will make it change.

T.K.J.J :-:


October 29/22




Today's Quote October 27-28/22

 Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.
R. Buckminster Fuller

Ed Carney
It's a shame the Carney family is so vindictive and full of hatred. Something about this whole thing doesn't add up. Thompson was supposedly highly intoxicated and fighting with his brother, according to Ed Carney's wife. If this is true, why was Ed Carney leaving the scene? Why would an officer of the law trust an intoxicated person and turn his back on him? Sounds like Carney needs more training. There's two sides to every story and we've only gotten the Carney side, and it sounds pretty fishy that Ed Carney has all these ailments but can work and carry a gun. This needs to be looked into by another agency. It makes no sense that Hilton would let him carry a gun.

October 27-28/22

Ed Carney
Ed Carney waited three months to get an order of protection against Travis Thompson? So for three months he wasn't concerned and now that he's sending Thompson to prison, he needs an order of protection? He had no fear of him or the Thompson family in court? I think Travis Thompson should have the order of protection against the Carneys. They made the threats. This county is so backwards. Sad Hilton is running unopposed.

October 27-28/22

Thompson family
Some one neede to explain defamination and liable to the Thompson family. They are forever threatening lawsuits that never materialise. Like most of there posts on this site they are of little substance and laughable at best.

October 27-28/22

Uncle Tom
Does Ed and his family get to visit Ed's uncle Tom in prison? I sure hope so. And is Josh Carney, the OHS coach, related to Ed Carney?

October 27-28/22

Thompson and Carney
I've been reading the back and forth on this site and on Chris Carney's Facebook page. It's disheartening to see how vindictive Ed and his wife have become. Ed has obviously healed and has returned to work a smiling and happy man. His pain and suffering I presume were short-term or he wouldn't be allowed to carry a gun or drive a patrol car. I'd seen him around town a few times after the incident and he never indicated that he was in pain or distress. Ed's apparently fully recovered and will go on with his life, but what about Thompson? His life will never be the same. Apparently the Carney's don't care at all about what this will do to Thompson's children. Are the Carney's so greedy and heartless that they have no empathy for the children? Yes, Thompson was wrong and deserves punishment, but prison for 2-3 years? Let me ask all you Carney's; are you perfect? Have none of you ever drank or gotten drunk? Are you all so saintly that if someone looked into your pasts, you'd be squeaky clean? What is "Carney justice?" Thompson got drunk and made a mistake, but he's taken the high road and hasn't been libeling and slandering the Carney's. He's obviously the bigger person here.

October 27-28/22

Terrifying video shows Chinese robot attack dog with machine gun dropped by drone
China nightmare




October 27-28/22




Today's Quote October 26/22

 All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
Edgar Allan Poe

Exposing the United States Top Secrets
In 1953, the Rosenberg's were executed for stealing and selling our nuclear secrets to foreign adversaries, yet, there is nothing being done about this same treasonous act by Donald Trump for stealing Top Secret Documents and possibly selling them to China. What is good for the goose, should be good for the gander!

October 26/22

Carney and Thompson
A friend of my parents was working that day of court. They were very distraught. First Carney has an active order of protection against Thompson but went anyways. Even sat behind defendant. According to worker they all actually sat behind Thompson so family couldn't even sit behind him. That comment about support or intimidation is clear right there. How was he even able to go with active order of protection? Word has it he wanted to? Why would anyone allow that? I was told some colleagues are calling him a p**** and laughing in a sense that he is causing such an uproar over being punched in the face by a drunk guy that he has indeed known for many years. What a shame. I will also agree he does deserve to get something but prison is a stretch.

October 26/22

So when is the Trump flag flying sheriff going to do something about the Carney threat?

October 26/22

Deputy Carney is soft
If it was me I would have waited until my injuries were healed and then go back and beat that kid so bad he would never walk right again. "small children will lose their loving father" , "wife will now be a single mother", BOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The lesson to be learned here is when you do a crime you have to do the time.

October 26/22

Port City to reimburse Oswego County for foreclosed properties
Sealed bid my ass
When the former engineers zoning office had bids in past that were"SEALED" hahaha!!
The honest city official opening the "SEALED BID" had many envelopes with different bid amounts in different pockets of his suit so that once bids were all in he had the winning one to insert to assure a crooked winner


October 26/22

Never ending...
Oswego County is in a rough patch right now. People quitting still, no one wants to work, no one wants to help out and or make the community a better place. There needs to be total change. Bosses need to act like bosses and managers. Manage your people.

City is no better. The mayor is a part time mayor? What?!

What are we doing about the homelessness, and druggies in the county and city? We talk about it but nothing happens. We need a homeless shelter somewhere, either in the county or in a city with easily located services to help the homeless people get back into society. The druggies, I feel bad for the lady that passed away in the City of Oswego just recently. However, sadly, she still used and passed from it. She knew the risks, I hope NO ONE gave her a hot dose. I also hope they can find the person selling the drugs and trace her death to the person that dealt it and hit the person hard with charges.

Adam L. Levea, 42, of Oswego, was arrested for allegedly possessing 205 individual packages of a heroin/fentanyl combination, and five suboxone strips with intent to sell. This person needs to be in jail for awhile. NOT RELEASED! OR the couple or person that was arrested 3 times in a month, at that rate, there is no bail for you. BYE BYE. There should be no other option besides prison. Simple.

This city and county has changed drastically and we need to fix it. We cannot count on the people currently running it, its WE THE PEOPLE of the city and county that have to change it.

T.K.J.J :-:

October 26/22

Travis Thompson
Think on the bright side. Maybe he will get sent to some place close by where the family can visit. Auburn would be a good place.


October 26/22




Today's Quote October 25/22

Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
W. C. Fields

Carney vs Thompson
To the author of the initial "Goodbye Travis Thompson" post, we see you. It's pretty obvious who you are and it's not surprising that you decided to post on here, instead of your Facebook page, which is something that backfired on you in the recent past. Maybe you should get a new hobby? Or, I don't know, some human decency.

Nobody is denying the fact that what Travis did was wrong. Even Travis, himself, has apologized and owned his own behavior. Despite your nastiness and ignorance, Travis is a good man. Believe it or not, Ms Perfect, but good people DO make mistakes. There is NO WAY that this can be considered justice. You're celebrating the fact that Travis is going to spend 3-5 yrs in prison for hitting a police officer WHILE COMPLETELY BLACKOUT DRUNK?! Not to mention, Ed was the ONLY witness to the crime. No one knows what actually happened or provoked Travis to do what he did. Not even Travis. Oswego County has given 6 month sentences for BABY RAPERS caught in the act. This is excessive and ridiculous. Travis messed up, yes. His punishment should match the crime. Let's not forget that small children will lose their loving father. A wife will now be a single mother. Nieces and nephews will go without the love and support of a great family man while their mother gets the help that she needs. This is something that you're celebrating? It's disgusting.

Of the 20-30 law enforcement and emergency responders whom I have spoken with, they ALL know what's really going on here. Ed has been trying to get out of work FOREVER now. The community will always "back the blue," but that does not mean FOR ONE SECOND that they believe Ed's charade. He "can't wait to get back to work?" What a JOKE. He's been crying disabled for years. As usually the first one to run away from any normal action scene, now he wants to be a hero. Whatever. Travis has been an active and upstanding member in the community for 20 yrs. He will now go to jail for years and I ask, exactly what lesson is to be learned here? That if you throw a big enough temper tantrum and try to publicly humiliate the DA, then you get your way? Nice job. Pathetic. I wonder if Ed can actually sleep at night, knowing what he did.
Justice was definitely not served.

October 25/22

Re Thompson
So the punk got what he deserved and now the relatives are trying to put it all on the Deputy. This kid is not yet old enough to drink and he is already an alcoholic. Great job the parents did raising him. Who gave him the alchol? That's where the fingers should be pointing. Who ever was serving minors should have been arrested and sent to jail along with him.
Plant corn get corn!

October 25/22

Re: Carney Vs. Thompson
I agree with this post. Something is off here. I know I can't be the only one wanting to hear the Thompson side of this right? From my understanding the guy wrote apology letters to Carney before he even knew that prison was in his future. Damn. I would say as a grown as man that shows remorse right there. The dude was black out drunk and had to be told what happened from our understanding. I'm sure Thompson must feel so much guilt and suffering mentally with all of this. Is it true that there were no witnesses to the actual assault?!? Lots of questions here. Did Carney even follow protocol? If Thompson was so drunk, why was he not restrained first and foremost? Why did Carney not wait for back up in that situation. This is crazy! It's actually very gross they are treating the guy. Like this hard criminal and that it was an intentional act. If guy was so drunk, he was urinating on himself (like said in other post) how is that intentional? Can we stop acting like it was a malicious attack? He got punched in the face by a guy who clearly didn't know what he was doing. You think he deserves prison? I know a lot of people who deserve prison and don't get prison. If Carney does know family personally... wow...that is the worst part. Seems like Carney is taking advantage of this situation and I have no words. What does Carney get out of sending the guy to prison for doing something that he doesn't even remember? Power because he wears a badge. So confusing and appalling at the same time. This is bizarre! I do agree he should be in trouble. With no record and under the circumstances of what we hear happened, give the dude probation and weekends in jail or something jeez. I'm sure Thompson is punishing himself enough mentally. Now going to prison?? I can't even imagine his thought process right now. Especially for a one-time incident that was made very public on Carney's behalf. If making public was for Carney to think it was going to get the community on his side... that failed. I'm sure yes, many officers are on his side for sure. Even some from community but definitely not all. Back the blue people haha. Only thing your proving to this community is that our system is wacked, you have no heart, and that because you wear a badge your untouchable. I'm sure Carney did suffer and that is terrible, but he seems okay with his big smile posted on here. I don't think he is the only one suffering here. This is who we have protecting our community? Smh.

One more thing... Whoever wrote the whole "Goodbye Thompson" I'm not sure what Thompson fans they are referring to about slandering the Carney family? Only slander that has been seen here is from Carneys wife... as well as threats from Carney's family directly. Carney you should be proud. It's actually appalling that you're bragging about it. Again smh.

October 25/22

About time
With the recent negative posts about Minetto with the Solar Farm in the papers, I personally find it refreshing that a all Republican Town Council would give a Democrat the vacant council seat unanimously. Then to further put politics aside, campaign for the candidate without fear of retaliation from their own party. I can only hope this means Minetto is getting back to a all Democrat council next election cycle. It’s also nice to see numerous Republicans throughout the Town openly supporting a Democratic candidates. Let’s go Hochul!


October 25/22


Today's Quote June 19-21/22

 A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.
Bruce Lee

Barlow the Boozer
The picture of the drunks on " Billy Barlows Booze Cruise '' speaks volumes of the performance of the Kid Mayor. Everytime you see him making an announcement or doing a commercial, it is around Booze. He made a commercial for the RoofTop Bar sitting with some of his make believe girlfriends sitting having a drink, then was on Channel 9 advertising the Tiki Boat which is exactly what should be called " Billy Barlows Booze Cruise '' . Then we also had to have a "Drinking District" downtown to support the bars that Balow supports with his drinking problem.
Then of course we have little Billy Boy drinking every place he goes.
He has been a complete failure as Mayor and has done nothing to improve your quality of life in
oswego, that is, unless you like to "Booze It Up".

June 19-21/22

June 16/22

The mayor
He dates Alex Sims. She works for Channel 9 and she's of age. Didn't you wonder why 9 gives Billy so much PR?

June 13/22

Today's Quote May 20/22

 trust and belief in the Supreme Court “is gone forever.”
“And when you lose that trust,” he continued, “it changes the institution fundamentally.

You begin to look over your shoulder.

It’s like kind of an infidelity, that you can explain it, but you can’t undo it.”
Clarence Thomas

The decline of belief and trust in the Supreme Court began when Thurgood Marshall was replaced with the likes of Clarence Thomas. Thomas is an Uncle Tom who sucked, kissed and did what ever was required to cultivate political connections that resulted in a striing of second fiddle government jobs. In fact the only job he had which was not leaching off the taxpayers was aproximately three years working as an attorney with the Monsanto Chemical Company.

He had no judicial experience what so ever yet he got himself appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, March 12, 1990. Then with only ninteen months served as a judge and a neutral rating from the American Bar Association, which came as a result of pressure from the whitehouse, he was appointed to the Supreme Court.

Since his appointment to the Supreme Court Thomas has overseen numerous cases brought against Monsanto and other chemical companies. He has refused to recuse himself from such cases and has voted in favor of the chemical companies the vast majority of the time. Every time an Agent Orange issue came up he voted against Veterans.

The decline of belief and trust in the Supreme Court did not begin with the leaking of one draft of one opinion, It began with the appointment of a crooked lying piece of shit like Clarence Thomas and then helped along with the appointment of Brett M. Kavanaugh an alcholic who needs to get women drunk before he can get laid.

May 20/22


Margie Green At The State Of The Union

Great dress there Honey! Really shows off that beer gunt you have.






The Great Tom Kells


Dec. 18-19/21

Oswego DPW Commissioner arrested for giving teen a bloody nose at Halloween event

Dec. 18-19/21


Rumours of shady goings on
Within dpw by him
Anyone chime in?

Dec. 18-19/21

1 down 2 more to go!
The MENACE TOM KELLS finally got what he deserved. After the cheating he's done which by the way Thomas you think your the only one chantel backs up to. After the mistreatment of the employees that pile of dog shit finally gets a dose of his own medicine. Now maybe just maybe these crooked county legislators will rid the county highway of the 2 MENACES KURT OSPELT AND JIM KELLEY! The politics in this county are getting worse and worse. These depts are getting worse and worse. If you have to really ask yourself "oh who will ever run the county if Kurt's gone" ask your self this who the hell will fill your spot as a legislator not hard dumbass. There has to be law and order soon before this city and before this county get out of hand. What might have worked 20 50 80 years ago doesn't fucking work anymore welcome to the new age brothers and sisters.

Good bye Mussolini. Hitler and Stalin your up next

Now that Barlow lost one of his dogs what degenerate will he hire to do all the work for his fiends

Dec. 18-19/21

Any truth to rumoured criminal probe
Did we have a criminal running the DPW


Oswego County Sheriff violates Hatch act

March 12-13/21




For the love of God, end this charade




Is this what I pay these assholes to do with my hard earned taxed dollars?

August 4/20

Oswego County sheriff’s boat flies Trump political flag at boat rally



August 4/20





…….maybe if some weren’t concentrating on…..never mind, Greg.
While I do agree that 15 days is probably not long enough, exculpatory (ALL) evidence should be turned over 60 days BEFORE TRIAL. That is “just and fair” for the defense, NO? The defense shouldn’t have to waste everyone’s time with specifically requesting evidence known to exist.

Is this why Cieszeski is no longer in the Oswego County District Attorney’s office?


February 28- March 2/20



Today's Quote February 27/20

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.
Khalil Gibran

Carona Virus
Did you feel the ground shake from the wave of uproarious laughter which swept across the country when trump named Mike Pence as the man in charge of coordinating the country’s response to the corona virus?

In yet another incoherent rambling speech, which basically summarized many of his previous uninformed and just plain stupid comments, Trump said nothing that would lead the educated public to believe our government had any idea of how to deal with the Corona Virus. He continued to play down the seriousness implying that in a short period of time there would only be five cases of the virus in the US. He also said there was a vaccine being developed that could be ready in a couple months.


Only minutes later an official who knew what he was talking about explained that the most advanced vaccine candidate was about two months from finishing its phase one trial and another trial for efficacy, (will it really work) taking at least eight months would follow. Typically phase one trials are one year. So it would be at least a year, best case scenario, before the vaccine could be available and that is if there are no adverse side effects and if it is granted special approval allowing it to go to market without Phase three testing to determine what dosage is safe for what part of the population. So if all the stars do not fall into alignment it could easily be two even two and a half years before the vaccine makes it to the public. Probably the best hope is Gilead Sciences which is starting two stage three trials of its Remdesivir that was previously tested in people infected with Ebola. Other drugs marketed by Gilead include Biktarvy, Descovy, Truvada, Epclusa, Harvoni, Sovaldi, and Tamiflu.

Something else to consider is the manufacture of the vaccine. I do not know if it is true but I heard long ago most flue type vaccine is now made in China. Surgical masks, gowns and other medical supplies that are needed are also largely made in China. With a population of 1.4 billion who do you think the Chinese will make vaccine and masks for first.?

There needs to be a world wide effort to take over the manufacture of all necessary medical supplies currently made in China. There are too many eggs in that one basket but that is thinking too far out of the box for Trump and his worshipers.

February 27/20


Nursing homes and assisted living.
I worked at Pontiac for 3 years. Please oh please whatever you do, do NOT consider putting your loved there. It is a death trap. Verna who was found responsible for 3 of the 20 deaths in 3 months is now at Bishops Commons. I also worked there and saw them isolate a woman in her room, except when her family was around. It was horrible. Her dementia was too advanced to belong there, but seeing she was a widow of a judge with lots of cash they didnt want to let her go. Both places are horrible. And The Gardens is so disorganized I lasted a day. I recommend Syracuse Home in B'ville. And Buckley Landing in North Syr. For assisted living. Its a drive but worth it for the care .

It would be easier to name the few good ones than all the bad ones. When the Oswego Hospital had an in-house nursing facility it was very good. When they opened Seneca Hell Manor and moved everything up there it turned into a horror show. It was run by a short fat little blonde bitch. I think her name was McGinnis or McGillis. She lied to the families 24-7.
I have only met one person who had something good to say about Pontic since the day it opened.

I personally dealt with a place in Liverpool called Birchwood, I think it is now called Elderwood which was supposed to be the best place to go for rehab. There was ariconditioning only on the first floor. You had to fight with the staff to get the minimum care and treatment prescribed by the referring physician and the beds were manually operated. So if you were able to get out of bed an operate the hand crank at the foot of the bed you were OK otherwise you were screwed.


Loretto on the south end of Syracuse was another hell hole. The staff there did not walk they shuffeled. Their rehab was a joke and the place was filthy.

I visited Sunrise in Oswego back in the late 90s looking for a place to locate a friend. The halls were full of people in wheelchairs hoping to catch a breeze from the fans placed in front of exit doors, which were covered by homemade wooden screens. The stench of urine was everywhere. Before I left I was told how they were going to install air conditioners that would be available at a small additional cost. That is the same bullshit story they were telling the day that place opened.
I went to St. Lukes once around 1998 looking to place my mother for rehab. There I dealt with Another lying bitch named Tara Fitzgibbons. She was cherry-picking looking for patients they could make the most money off of. That practice was totally illegal. I am still waiting for her to return my call. Oddly enough a few years later, when my mother was emptying her safe deposit box at City Savings now Pathfinder, who did we have to deal with but Tara. She was supposed to be in charge of that department but one of the underlings had to explain to her what needed to be done. Then a month later she tried to bill my mother for the key which had been returned the day the box was emptied and the rental terminated. Once again a situation had to be rectified because of her incompetence.

In my experience there is no such thing as a good nursing home just some that are worse than others. At their best they give children a false sense of Mom or Dad being cared for in their final years. In reality they are wharehouses for the sick and dying. Their only goal is to make as much money as they possibly can off of each resident while providing the bare minimum in care.


February 17-18/2020



Limbaugh & Trump

How many people have I heard say they would not wish Limbaugh's stage 4 Lung Cancer on anyone?


I Would!


There are hundreds of thousands of people who are just as sick or worse than him but they did not suck Trump's little dick to get an undeserved medal for it.


He is a worthless lowlife piece of shit and nothing would make me happier than to hear he got hit by a bus and cheated out of what ever time he had left.


The only possible thing which could, trump, that is if Marine One crashed and burned with Donnie and his entire in-bread moron family onboard.


I have not had a drink in thirty years but I would crack a bottle of champagne for that one.


January 19-20/2020



Peebles For The People
If you have or had any interest at all in the Heidi Allen / Thibodeau case,

this pod cast is a must listen to!


January 14-15/2020



Your sleezy first lady


December 31/19






Neither the Federal nor the State governments

have ever mandated that the City of Oswego

raise its water or sewer rates.

Anyone who says they did is a F**KING LIAR!!!!!!




Today's Quote  August 6/15

“It's your life. Live it with people who are alive. It tends to be contagious.”
Peter McWilliams


Oswego Firefighter Sentenced

Last night in Minetto Town Court Oswego firefighter and former Minetto fire chief Joe Smegelsky Jr. received the maximum sentence of $1000 and two years probation despite arguments from the District Attorney Greg Oaks and defense lawyer Timothy Kirwan. They had hoped for a lesser sentence but based on information in Smegelsky's pre sentencing report the maximum punishment was handed down.


An audit by the State Comptrollers office found that Smegelsky had taken funds and used a department credit card to purchase a handgun, automotive parts and assorted items. He also created a fictitious company which sold fire equipment from undisclosed sources to the Minetto Department. District Attorney Oaks repeatedly argued for special treatment because Smegelsky had paid back slightly less than half of what the Comptrollers office found. However the fact remains he paid nothing back until he was caught.



Joeseph Smegelsky Jr.


Below is a copy of the District Attorney's plea bargain and his explaination of how they arrived at it.

If you enjoy fiction you will love this.









Today's Quote, January 26/15

"I am not an enemy of the negro, we want him here among us; he is the only laboring class we have."
Nathan Bedford Forrest


One week ago we celebrated Martin Luther King Day. I am sure members of the Ozwego Fire Department seized the opportunity to rack up some double overtime but that is about the only use they have for non-whites.

Since its inception in 1876 the Oswego Fire Department has been as white as the driven snow, with respect to the color of its members that is. In its 139 year history there has never been an Asian, Black or Hispanic member. If you think this somehow reflects the population then you better take off your blinders. Oswego’s elected officials and Personnel Department have long allowed department members to live as far away as Montour Falls, Watertown, and Groton. There is no way you can cast a net that far and say, that population is reflected by our department.

In the late 1980’s there was young Black man working for the local cable company who sometimes frequented the Fire House Tavern as did members of the OFD. The firefighters exam had been announced and he was asking some of the OFD members if they thought he had a chance of getting in. He received all kinds of encouragement while he was there but after he left I overheard two of the Heroes chuckling and say no way they were going to let him in the department. “We have Guinias and Polocks and that is as integrated as we are going to get.” I do not know if the man ever took the test but the fact is that department remains as segregated as the day it was formed. They are allowed to operate as their own little fiefdom picking and choosing their own white membership and no one has the balls to put a stop to it.

The next time our Senators and Congressmen come around for their photo ops with our Hero Department we should all point out to the national media how they are supporting a racist organization. Perhaps we should ask the NAACP how this has been overlooked by their organization for so long.
                                                                                                                            Jan 26/15





Joseph Smegelsky


Audit of Minetto fire chief charged with misusing $22K in funds for guns, motorcycle parts completed
"This individual had keys to the cash register and went on a spending spree with the fire company's money," DiNapoli said in a statement.


                                                                                                                    Dec 20/14

Today's Quote, July 2/14


“Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it.”
G. K. Chesterton

Oswego's finest screwing the taxpayers once again spotted at Dicks Sporting Goods in Great Northern Mall on 6/22/14.....didn't know they sold food there....or were they perhaps getting a new set up clubs at our expense??? Would still like to see the tab for the turning stone "conference" they went to....a whole weekend at the turning stone??? meals, rooms, drinks, etc???? The worst part is it will never change. No matter who is mayor they will always be controlled by the f.d. and no one will run against our current council members. Oswego has become homeowners to few (I stand corrected good homeowners) and is a city full of renters.
                                                                                                                    July 2/14

That was probably just Smegelsky picking up some guns. They should be checking the video at Dicks to see who was with him. That hero should be arrested too.
                                                                                                                    July 2/14

Minetto Chief
People like that are paranpiod about someone else stealing what they just stole so naturally he would need to get a gun to protect all his or should I say our stuff.
                                                                                                                    July 2/14


Ambulance Numbers

Yes, they are not as correct as they should be as I left off the 2 additional firemen that go out on Ambulance #2 and many of the other expenses that can be attributed to the ambulance service . In reality here is a $300,000 loss each year without he expense of a new ambulance. The point is, we will never make a profit on this service; have a fully qualified ambulance located in Oswego (Menter) that can handle all emergencies; could cut 15 men from the department with all their benefits and return $2,000,000 to the taxpayers; while cutting the long term obligation of retirement and the padding of such for years to come.
Unfortunately, the obtuse Mayor, Council, and most of all ,Fire Chief, have another agenda and it is not in the best interest of he taxpayers. McCrobie probably was, at one time, a good fireman, but as a chief and leader lacks in total credibility. The way overtime is handed out only shows that he is helping to bump up he retirement of the soon to retire firemen by thousands of taxpayers dollars. There is a belief that hey will all get their turn is the OT merry-go-round, but the fact is, the tier 6 firemen will never see that benefit. The new anti padding law passed and signed by he governor will not allow tier 6 employees to add any more than $15,000 to their retirement benefits, and they will now have to go for the last 5 years instead of 3. If I were a tier 6, I would tell the tier 5's to stick their $50.00 they pay for the OT and start taking their share of the OT, because it will all be ending when all the tier 5's retire.
                                                                                                                    July 2/14

Minetto Fire Chief
I asked a few weeks ago if anybody knew what was going on with Minetto's Fire Chief well here you go.
Stole $20,000 from the fire department. I'm going to guess he possibly stole more since he's being held with no bail. Coinsedently though he just bought a piece of property behind his own for $20,000. Don't believe me? Here's the property taxes. Coincident? You should take a drive by his property to check it out. Constantly cars & trucks are being 'stored' there and then disappear. Camper was there for a whole summer now that's gone. I even seen the Minetto's fire truck pull up to his vacant property hook on a utility trailer with all the fireman in it and take off. Now Minetto Fire Dept has plenty of property to store at their station. Why would they use his? I offend wondered why a property owner who only has 1/4 acre of grass need a 0 point turn lawn mower? Probably the fire departments.



                                                                                                                    July 2/14




Reporting Welfare Fraud
If you suspect, or have knowledge of a social services client fraudulently receiving assistance from Public Assistance, Food Stamps or Home Energy Assistance (HEAP), you should report it to the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance.




Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force 



Secret Service Electronic Crime Task Force




RE: Oswego Corruption
Here are some places you should send your complaints.
Do not waste your time with the county DAs office.

Office of the State Comptroller

Division of Investigations
59 Maiden Lane
30th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10038
212-383- 2502



Office of the State Comptroller
Division of Investigations
110 State Street

Albany, N.Y.   12236-0001


New York State Office of the Attorney General
Public Integrity Unit
120 Broadway, 22nd Floor
New York, N.Y. 10271



New York State Reigonal Office of the Attorney General
615 Erie Boulevard West, Suite 102
Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone Number: (315)448-4800

Consumer Frauds Number: (315)448-4848
Fax Numers:
(315)448-4853 (Main Number)
(315)448-4851 (Consumer Frauds Bureau)
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday

United States Justice Department
Organized Crime & Racketeering
James Handley Federal Building
Syracuse, N.Y. 13261

Federal Bureau of Investigation
James Handley Federal Building
Syracuse, N.Y. 13261

New York State Police
1220 Washington Avenue
Building 22
Albany, NY 12226-2252


New York State Police
Fulton, NY

6 East 12th Street,

Fulton, NY 13069



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