October 3/24
South First
St.....Fulton NY
Sterling Valley,
Post Office ...
Mexico, NY
Fair Haven Bluff
Main ST. .....
Parish, NY
Fulton, NY
Beach Scene .....
Oswego, NY
Main St. Mexico NY
Phoenix, NY
Fort Ontario
Ontario State
Historic Site will
present its annual
history conference
April 27 from 8:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
at the Lake
Ontario Event and
Conference Center,
26 East First
Street, Oswego.
(left) Paul Lear,
Historic Site
Manager and George
Clark, President,
Continental Arms
discuss circa 1907
Military objects
that will be on
exhibit at the
Oswego High School
Photo taken from
the street, in
front of Suttons
Book Store
Cauffer Dam at
oswego holds back
the river while
workmen excavate
the river bottom.
Oswego Harbor
Oswego Harbor 1913
We understand the need to use coarse language in order to communicate with some (a$$h..es) people. However please save us the trouble and edit your own comments. On our RECIPE page we invite all to contribute their own personal favorites and feel free to ask for help with ones you already have.
We will do our best to address all questions and posts. However we make no guarantee that all
submissions will be posted.
Editor......Edward Harrington
LION ?........Like It Or Not
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